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Taehyung POV:

I've been in bed since what happened between my mother and I. All I felt was broken, and it hurts.

Why did this happen? What did I do to deserve this? I love you mother...

"Taehyung please get out of bed. It's not healthy for the baby." Jungkook said grabbing the blankets off of me.

"Fine.." I said not wanting to harm the baby. I got dressed into something simple; an over sized t-shirt and grey sweat pants.

"Let's go on a walk, and get ice cream." Jungkook said holding my hand. I nodded, and we both made our way to an ice cream shop.

After getting our cookie dough and strawberry ice cream we headed to a park.

"I'm sorry about what happened.." Jungkook said trying to comfort me.

"It's okay it just puts a lot of stress on me.." I said looking down.

"Don't be stressed out, trust me she is your mother. She will forgive you, and in the end everything will be okay." Jungkook said grabbing my hand, and it helped a lot.

Maybe in the end everything will be okay..

"Let's head home okay?" Jungkook said, and I nodded.

- Time Skip -

When we made it home Jin asked me to help him cook, and I said yes not to be rude.

"How have you been doing?" Jin asked as we were both cooking.

"Stressed, but I'm getting better. I just need time." I said in return.

"That's great-"

Ring Ring Ring

"I'll get that." Jin said grabbing the phone, and answering it.

After ending the call Jin had a very sad look on his face.

"Who was it?" I asked.

"Taehyung we need to go to the hospital..." Jin said looking down.

"W-Why?" I asked panicking.

"You're mother was in a horrible accident." Jin said, and I began to cry.

We both rushed out the house with Tiffany, and made our way to the hospital.

When we got there we rushed to the room she was in. As we got there I saw Rose sitting in a chair crying outside of the room.

"I-Is everything o-okay?" I asked hoping things were okay.

"I-I'm sorry but s-she didn't make it..." Rose said, and with that everything went black with a very painful sting in the lower region of my stomach.

Jungkook POV:

After hearing the news of Taehyung's mother I rushed to the hospital.

As I made it to the room I see Taehyung unconscious, and blood on the ground. Everyone panicking around him, I rushed up to him and pick him up.

The doctors took him away from me, and I began to cry. Hoping nothing bad would happen...


Short chapter but very dramatic.😢

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