France 1.

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Taehyung POV:

It's been a month since my birthday, and I woke up feeling very comfortable. Maybe because I'm in the arms of my mate?

I try to get up from the bed, but get pulled back down. I look at Jungkook, and he looked asleep.

I tried to get up again, but get pushed down again.

"Jungkook please I need to use the potty." I said out loud, and instantly the grip on me gets loose. I get up, and make my way to the bathroom.

After using the bathroom I get back into bed next to Jungkook, and snuggle up to him.

"I planned stuff for us." Jungkook mumbled still half asleep.

"Oh cool when?" I asked looking at him, and staring into his eyes.

"In about twenty minutes we will get breakfast." He said rubbing his eyes.

"Okay- WAIT TWENTY MINUTES AHHH NEED TO GET READY!!" I yelled jumping out of my bed, and towards my closet grabbing clothes. I then rush to the bathroom, and got dressed.

"You ready?" Jungkook asked as I walked out of the bathroom

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"You ready?" Jungkook asked as I walked out of the bathroom.

"Yep." I said with a smile.

"Okay, let's get going this breakfast will be amazing." Jungkook said grabbing my hand, and walking out the dorm.

We got in his expensive car, and head to the place where we will be eating at.

We made it to a very awesome cafe, and ordered food.

"So what are we doing today?" I asked drinking my coffee

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"So what are we doing today?" I asked drinking my coffee.

"Going to France." Jungkook said, and all I could go is choke on my drink.

"W-What?!?" I said in shock.

"Yeah we are going with everyone else to France, and after this we are going to the airport." He said drinking his coffee.

"B-But I don't have anything with me." I said.

"That's okay I will tell my people to get you clothes there." He said with a smile. I just nodded, happy I get to go to France.

After eating we headed to a private airport, and got into a private jet.

After eating we headed to a private airport, and got into a private jet

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"Where are we staying at?" I asked as we took off into the air.

"At a expensive hotel with the others." Jungkook said with a smile.

- Time Skip -

After a couple of minutes, I was getting very impatient.

"Are we there yet? How long do we have left? Will it take forever?!?" Were questions I asked Jungkook each minute.

"Calm down we will be there soon." He said with a smile knowing I was very excited, and very impatient.

Finally we did make it, and we met up at a hotel with everyone else. We all made sure to get rooms next to each other then all split up.

As Jungkook and I made it to our room, I was shocked to how amazing it looked.

As Jungkook and I made it to our room, I was shocked to how amazing it looked

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"This is amazing!" I said in shock. I immediately jump on the bed, and it felt amazing!

"Let's get you some clothes." Jungkook said. I nodded, and we both left to go a store for clothing.

- Time Skip -

Jungkook and I spent the rest of the day shopping, and at the end I ended up with tons of expensive designer clothing.

Which I thought I could just get reasonable priced clothing, but Jungkook wouldn't let me. But I won't complain..

Jungkook and I were on our way to an ice cream place in the mall we were shopping at, but something caught me eye and I couldn't resist to check it out.

I go straight to the shop that caught my attention, and it was a laungerie store.

I looked at the window, and saw a laungerie that looked very cute.

"It looks so cute!" I said pointing to it, and Jungkook just chuckled.

"Okay, let's get ice cream now." I said skipping towards the ice cream shop.

We ordered ice cream, me getting strawberry and Jungkook getting cookie dough.

"I'll be right back you stay here." Jungkook said and I nodded enjoying my ice cream.

After a minute or two Jungkook returned back with a bag from that laungerie store, but I didn't think much of it.

"Ready to head back?" He asked as I finished up my ice cream. I nodded whipping off all the ice cream on my face onto a napkin.

We both headed back, and immeditaly fell asleep.

I luv vkook so much!! 😘😍

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