Camping Trip 5.

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Taehyung POV:

Jungkook and I were kissing, and I loved it. It was as if the world just stopped, and it was just us.

"Taehyung- OH MY GOD!" A familiar voice yelled out of nowhere. Jungkook and I pulled out of the kiss, an look at the way the voice came from.

We were met with many people with very shocked expression.

"Our ship has sailed!" Jin and Jimin yelled while jumping up in down. As for the rest, they were just to busy being shocked.

"Your full of surprises Taehyung..." Tiffany said.

"Heh Y-Yeah.." I said, and then look at Jungkook. He just had smirk on his face. I just wondered what he was thinking of...

"Well, anyway we need to get back at camp before they get worried." Yoongi said, hoping to get back as soon as possible to get some rest.

"Y-Yeah we should get back." I said stuttering, from the embarrassment.

We all made it back to the camp, and got food from cafeteria since it was dinner time.

"Hey you guys going to the party on the south side of the camp?" Hoseok asked as we were all eating.

"Won't we get in trouble?" I asked.

"Nope, no one stays at that side of the camp. So you guys coming?" Hoseok asked.

"Sure we all will go." Jungkook said before I could say anything.

"Great this will be so much fun!" Hoseok said.

- Time skip -

It was an hour early before this party, and Tiffany and I were getting ready.

"Okay let me see what you packed." Tiffany said while opening my bag, and looking inside.

"Wait do-" before I could stop her she found something I wish she didn't.

"Taehyung why do you have this?" She asked holding my pills for heat and smell.

"I-I uhh..." I couldn't say anything.

"Oh my god you're an-" I covered her mouth before she finished her sentence.

"Shh don't say it out loud!" I yelled.

"Why have you been keeping it a secret?" She asked.

"To be honest I don't really care that I am, but my mother wants me to hide it." I said looking down.

"Oh Taehyung I'm sorry about that.." she said pulling me into a hug.

"Who cares anyway let's just get ready." I said trying to move from the conversation. She nodded, and began to look for clothes for me.

In the end we chose something very simple, but cute outfit for the party.

In the end we chose something very simple, but cute outfit for the party

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