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Taehyung POV:

I woke with a feeling of coldness. I look to my side, and see Jungkook gone. He probably had some important business to attend.

I get up with a groan, and got dressed not forgetting to take my pills.

I then made my way to class.

- Time Skip -

It was lunch time, and I sat at the usual spot I sit at. This time Bogum wasn't here, and Jungkook and everyone else was here.

We got stares, but we all just ignored it all.

I got a text, and looked at it.

Mother: I'll be visiting today~

With that I spit out my food, getting everyone's attention.

"What's wrong Taehyung?" Jungkook asked

"Nothing just my mother is visiting today.." I said picking at my food

"Oh cool can I meet her?" Tiffany asked.

"Sure, but not you." I said pointing to Jungkook.

"And why is that?" He said with a frown.

"My mother would kill me if she knew I was hanging out with an alpha, and also she hates alphas." I said.

"Oh..." Jungkook said with a sad voice. It broke my heart a little.

"So I heard you guys are a thing." Jin said trying to change the subject.

"Yeah, we are dating." Jungkook said wrapping his arm around my waist.

"My shipping heart!" Jin and Jimin said while putting a hand on their hearts.

- Time Skip -

It was after school, and Tiffany and I were on our way to my dorm.

"So heads up my mom will freak out when she sees you. She is always excited when I have a new friend." I said as we walked into my dorm.

"It's okay I'm used to crazy." Tiffany said while sitting on the couch.

"Well this is a whole new cra-"

Knock Knock

I walked to the door and opened it.

"Taehyung my baby!!" My mother yelled giving me a hug.

"Hey mom I have a friend for you to me-"

"OHMYGODOHMYGOD!!! MYBABYBOYHASANEWFRIEND!!" She yelled out, and running up to Tiffany and giving her a hug. While my mom was basically killing Tiffany with a suffocating hug I look at the door, and see a girl there standing awkwardly.

 While my mom was basically killing Tiffany with a suffocating hug I look at the door, and see a girl there standing awkwardly

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"Who this?" I asked my mother.

"Oh Taehyung meet Rose. She works with me, and she wanted to meet you." My mother said grabbing her hand, and walking into my dorm.

"Oh nice to meet you Rose." I said shaking her hand.

"It's nice to meet you as well, your mother always talks about you." She said giving me a bright smile.

"I brought food do let's get eating!" My mother said holding up a bag full of delicious food.

Everyone sat down at the table. Tiffany and I sitting on one side, and my mother and Rose sitting on the other.

"So Taehyung I walked into a alpha, and he asked me if I was your mother... May I ask why he knows you?" My mother asked, causing me to choke on the food in my mouth. I grabbed my water quickly, and drank it.

"Umm well he is my neighbor, and we have classes together. That is why we know each other." I said giving a fake smile.

"Oh good I was hope you weren't talking to an alpha." My mother said.

"Oh calm down Lisa, let a kid live. Not all alphas are bad." Rose said towards my mother.

"Well Rose to me they are." My mother said back in return.

"I'm an alpha." Rose said.

"Well you are different from the rest." My mother said.

"Can we move on from this subject?" I asked

"Yeah I'm sure Tiffany is getting annoyed." My mother said.

"So Taehyung your birthday is this Friday. So what do you want?" My mother asked.

"Anything really." I said not to caring what I would get.

After finishing eating everyone left. Leaving me to be alone, a usual thing that makes me comfortable.

It's almost Friday, and I can't wait... (Where I live at)

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