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Taehyung POV:

It's been almost a month since our trip to France, and I've been feeling awful since then.

I would for some odd reason wake up and puke, but feel fine after a while. Sadly today I puked, but didn't start to feel well so I decided to stay in my room.

Jungkook wasn't with me for a while since he has been busy with some important business.

I laid down in my bed letting the sickness settle down, but then get a texted from Jungkook.

DaddyKookie: Why aren't you at school?

BabyTaeTae: How would you know I'm not at school? You aren't even at school...

DaddyKookie: Jimin told me, and also answer my question.

BabyTaeTae: I'm sick 🤧

DaddyKookie: I wish I could be there... Sending Tiffany to help, and Jin to make you food.

BabyTaeTae: Thanks Daddy~

DaddyKookie: Anything for my baby❤️

After our chat in just a couple of minutes I hear a knock on my door, and I immediately open it.

"Hey Tiffany." I said, and Tiffany rushed in giving me a hug.

"I came as soon as possible." She said trying to catch her breathe.

"Thanks-" before I could finish a wave of sickness came through me, and I rushed to the bathroom throwing up.

"Taehyung how long have you been throwing up?" Tiffany asked.

"Just this week and last week, but only in the mornings. Sadly today it's worse..." I said looking down.

"Hmm.." she said with a serious expression.

"Y-You don't think I c-could be... p-pregnant right?" I said scared trying to hold in my tears. She just gave me a sad expression, and pulled me into a tight hug.

"I don't know maybe, here I'll text Jin to get some test." Tiffany said as well as trying to calm me down.

- Time Skip -

After waiting a couple of minutes Jim finally showed up.

"Hey I brought the test, and also why do you need them?" He asked confused.

"Taehyung has been showing signs of pregnancy." Tiffany said.

"My baby Taehyung is going to have a baby?!?" Jin said running to give me a hug.

"We don't know yet so calm your tits." Tiffany said trying to pull Jin off of me.

"Taehyung take the test, and what ever shows up we will always be here." Tiffany said giving me a reassuring face. I nodded, and headed to the bathroom.

After peeing on the stick I flipped over, and began to wait five minutes.

"Don't forget Taehyung we will always be here for you." Tiffany and Jin said giving me a hug.

"Thanks.." I said hugging them back.

"It's time." Jin said, and I nodded.

I grabbed the stick, and saw two lines meaning positive. All I felt was scared, and kinda happy.

"OUR TAEHYUNG IS HAVING A BABY!" Tiffany and Jin yelled while picking me up, and giving me a giant hug. But all I could do was began to cry.

"What's wrong Taehyung?" Tiffany said as they sat me down on the couch.

"What will happen if Jungkook doesn't want it.." I said very scared.

"Taehyung I know Jungkook, and he has always wanted a mini him. I'm sure he would be glad to have it." Jin said reassuring me. I nodded, and began to feel less scared.

"So when are you going to tell him?" Tiffany asked.

"I actually don't know..." I said.

"Well, you don't have to rush okay?" Tiffany said giving me a hug.

I can't believe I'm having a baby...

I wonder how Jungkook will respond to the pregnancy, and also how will Taehyung's mother will react to it as well...

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