The Song of Rain (Mark and Amy) (Part 2...)

Start from the beginning

"Awww." Amy felt her doctor side take over again. "Are you crying because of your boo-boo?" He answered her with a whine as a huge tear dribbled down his long cheek. "Ohh... hey, come here. I think I've still got some ointment left in my pocket." Amy wriggled her hips to free up enough space to reach in her pocket. She managed to pull out an old tube of soothing medicine for scrapes and scratches. As the young lady fumbled with the lid, the giant leaned closer again and held still for her. She squeezed enough to fill her palm and smeared the goo across the cut. The first time he flinched away with a growl, but Amy found herself murmuring again as she coaxed him to come back.

"It's okay, it's alright. I know it hurts, but just a little bit more, alright? There we go..." She coated the minuscule slash in medicine until it was enough, and she leaned back with a nod of approval, and a hand covered in mud, blood, and ointment. "And there. Done." The giant blinked and sniffed curiously. "No, don't touch it!" She reprimanded when the giant started to lift his hand. He stopped and blinked at her, surprised that such a fierce tone had come from such a small creature. Amy was surprised too, but she found it easier to shove her fear away this time. "You need to give it some time to heal, then it'll be good as new," she explained. The giant tilted his head and rumbled, his eyes brightening to a soft gold. He seemed to understand.

Amy sighed in relief and relaxed. "Good." She took a deep breath and phrased her next words calmly. "Can you put me down so that I can wash up?" She asked slowly. She wasn't sure if asking nicely was going to work, even after that emotional roller coaster she had just undergone, but it was the best option she had. The giant rumbled and got up on all fours, with Amy held against his chest, and crawled the short distance to the entrance. It was still pouring outside, and as the sky growled and thundered Amy flinched a little.

"O-okay." It wasn't exactly what she had in mind, but it was better than nothing. She reached out and let the rain wash away all the yuck on her hands, and then to her surprise the giant suddenly tilted his hand and let his fingers uncurl. Amy yelped and found herself sitting precariously on a platform of flesh and bone, which she quickly adjusted on to keep from falling. She breathed in and tried to remember to keep calm, taking the opportunity to rinse the mud off of her. When she was done, she sat at the center of the giant's palm and hugged her knees, scared to go too close to the edge and risk falling. But then the young doctor noticed that the giant was doing something, and she risked leaning forward to see that he too was washing the mud off of himself. It gave her the heads up she needed seconds before he put his hands together and gently shook her onto his freshly clean hand, and then he finished up by washing the other.

Amy found herself looking the giant up and down, despite her reasonable fear of heights. This giant wore an old black shirt with jeans that had a lot of tears in them and stains that marked their age. He wore no shoes, but his feet were smaller than she expected. She looked around at the hand she was on. The skin was calloused with work and tire, tough but gently cupping her small frame. She hesitated before reaching out and running her fingers along his thumbpad, and she was amazed that she could feel the grooves of his fingerprint.

She then realized the giant had stopped moving and was watching her with a puzzled expression. "Oh, uh, sorry." Amy quickly pulled away, embarrassed. Wait, why am I talking to it like it understands me? He doesn't know better. Giants are all muscles and no brains. And yet... I think-  Another rumble of thunder snapped Amy out of her thoughts, and she promptly flinched and hugged her cold self. She felt her platform move, and then a warm breath blew over her as the giant rumbled inquisitively. Amy fidgeted about being so close to the giant again, but her complex fears dropped to a primitive one when thunder suddenly boomed all around them, and a huge fork of lightning jumped across the sky. She yelped and covered her ears, bringing her legs tightly against her chest as she quivered. Another crackle ensued, and she held her eyes shut tightly, shaking.

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