30| Cold as stone

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Hey guys, here's the new chapter! Thanks for over 3.3k reads! This chapter will be from POV's in the TMNT realm Earth, to show everyone what they're up to over there.

Chapter Thirty: Cold as stone

Third POV...


The four brothers had just finished watching the sixth episode of the new show The Four of Justice. Which had, admittedly, ruined their happiness for the night.

Leo, Raph, and Donnie now sat in silence, all on different sides of the pit. Donnie bit his lip, silently tapping his foot against the floor as he studied the ground.

Leo's eyes trailed to the direction of their rooms, where Mikey had disappeared not minutes before. 'He's been acting so distant and strange lately...' Leo thought, frowning.

"I'll be back..." He sighed, standing up. But his stance was determined, as he began to walk away.

"Where are you going?" Raph asked, genuinely curious.

Usually they would not go to sleep this early; after all, there was still patrol. And Raph didn't expect Leo to go to his room to cry or something.

"I'm going to go try to talk to Mikey... I'm worried about him..." Leo trailed off, shaking his head.

"He's not the only one with problems Fearless. Pretty sure we've all been having our own dose; like your 'captain Leo knows all because he's leader' phase. You're not the right one for the job." Raph snorted, also standing from his beanbag.

Leo froze, slowly turning back around.

"Oh? Then who is? With your anger issues, you'd just yell at him." Leo tipped his head, crossing his arms.

At Raph's look, all three of them immediately knew exactly who he was thinking was right for the job of helping Mikey, with whatever this problem of his was...

"If only Master Splinter was here... Everything would be so much different... Better..." Donnie sadly murmured, still watching the floor.

Leo winced, looking away as tears began to prick his eyes. He then turned back around, beginning to walk away once more. But as he left, he sighed...

"... Sensei's gone, Donnie." He whispered.

*Flashback over*

Leo's POV...

The memory that flashed through my mind made me wince, and I now really wished that I had ended up talking to my brother that night, only a few weeks ago.

Sighing, I slowly rest my head in my hands. No matter how much I tried, I just... Couldn't concentrate. Mediation seemed impossible...

And during the rare chances I got lost in it, I still couldn't fully feel Mikey's spiritual presence.

Standing up, I walked to the other side of the dojo. I stood in front of Master Splinter's shrine, frowning as I looked over the contents of the delicate shelf.

Why do you have to be gone, Sensei? You always know what to do... We need you...

I can't lead the team when it's already fallen apart.

In the past five days since Mikey collapsed, muttering words and... Fading, body as cold as stone, things had gone all downhill.

Raph had buried himself in his anger issues, clearly upset that he hadn't spoken up about the strange happenings sooner. We barely saw him anymore; where he went on his 'walks', none of us knew. But it certainly wasn't the surface, no, he stayed close to the Lair in case Mikey suddenly woke up.

Donnie spent most of his time by Mikey's side, trying to find out how this was happening, and how to stop- if it was even possible- the literal, gradual fading of our little brothers body. I don't even remember the last time I had seen him eat, sleep, or train.

None of us knew what to do...

Casey of course was not much of a help, and April admitted a few days ago that there might be no way to reach Mikey unless if he wakes up. When I asked her if that was possible, she said she was working on it.

A sudden rush of anger flashed through me, and I slammed my fist against the wall, glaring at the wood surface.

"Why can't he just wake up?!" I growled, roughly pressing my hands against the sides of my head. Frustrated, I paced back and forth, shaking my head.

What can we do?? We can't just wait for him to open his eyes, when he might not-

I froze, the dreadful realization hitting me like a ton of bricks.

What if Mikey doesn't wake up...? What if he, somehow, completely fades away?

But his last words still rang in my head, ever clear in my mind. And I knew that there was something more to this, something bigger then we could ever imagine.

"I have been switching between here and Usagi's realm..." I repeat my little brothers claim, confusion crashing down on me in waves.

"How would that be possible though...?" I asked out loud, shaking my head in bewilderment. Then I sighed, expression one of defeat.

"We can literally see through him. I'm pretty sure anythings possible after all we've been through, after all... Maybe someone there summoned him, somehow?" I speculate, narrowing my eyes as I considered the possibility.

Then I rolled my eyes, laughing with pity.

"And now I am talking to myself. Great." I sighed again, rubbing my forehead with my hand.

But then I paused, as a realization fully hit me. I ran out of the dojo, skidding to a halt outside my bedroom door and throwing it forward.

Running to my dresser, I slammed the bottom drawer open, feeling for the small box near the back. When my fingers brushed against their target, I slowly pulled it out, staring in awe at the object.

Before we had left Usagi's realm, he had given me something that would 'help in the future'. Since we had to leave, I never got the opportunity to ask him what he meant...

But now I understood.

Clenching my jaw, I held up the stunning object. It was a beautiful bronze necklace, a glowing orange key dangling from the ancient chain...

Aʋtʋɱŋ Wɩŋʛs ✸ 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗪𝗜𝗡𝗚𝗘𝗗 𝗪𝗔𝗥𝗥𝗜𝗢𝗥 (TMNT)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin