10| Lightning

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I feel like this fanfiction is being kinda rushed? Like too much happening... I don't know, but I hope you guys like this chapter. Next one will be out soon!

Chapter Ten: Lightning

I suddenly realized that the reason I was still in the air, was because of my ripped wings. Knowing that I had to get them off, I struggled to release the secure straps. But then...

Lightning flashed overhead.

"Oh no..." I whisper, eyes widening.

I desperately looked around, trying to find my brothers. But their voices, along with them, had faded away into the distance.

The storm raged on around me, and I started swirling around in ragged circles. I screamed, hearing another flash of lightning, which sounded even closer this time.

"SERIOUSLY DONNIE, DID YOU HAVE TO MAKE THESE WINGS WITH METAL?!" I yell, gasping for breath as I anxiously looked around.

The violent rain whipped against my body, cold and unforgiving.

I yelp when I feel myself suddenly lurch to the side, and through my blurred vision I saw a structure. Before I could try to get out of the way...

My body harshly slammed into the pipe.

I let out a sharp scream of pain, feeling my head collide with the metal. The impact resulted in me crashing to the ground, and I tumbled to a rough halt.

The last thing I saw before I blacked out...

Was a flash of lightning, striking the pipe right beside me.

* * *

I awoke with a scream, pressing my hands against the sides of my head as I panicked.

After a few moments, I realized that I was inside the hut that I was resting in before in Usagi's realm. I was sitting on the straw mat, safe and sound. I desperately touched my arms, shell, legs, and head, feeling for any injuries.

Nothing, phew!

At least I don't get the wounds here that I get from Earth.

"What were you screaming about?"

A girlish voice snaps me out of my thoughts, and I looked to see a tall cheetah mutant standing in the doorway. Her bright green eyes shimmered with curiosity, and I laughed nervously.

"Well you see-" I'm cut off by Karasu, who peeks around the cheetah mutants leg.

"Aw, poor reptile got scared?" He rolled his eyes, turning to look up at the cheetah mutant.

"He doesn't like the dark. I forgot to light a candle for him!" He lied, smirking at me.

Before I can protest, the girl smiled at me and left. I glared at Karasu.

"Hey, what was that for?! You lied, you know that I-"

"Calm down!" He interrupted, crossing his arms and swishing his tail.

"No one else in this village besides Usagi and me knows about what your experiencing. They all think you're just one of the turtles that helped Usagi and Kintaro fight Jai, that's all." He muttered, looking behind him.

"Anyways, I was sent here to tell you that we're going to leave very soon. So come with me." He ordered.

Before I can ask exactly why we're leaving a safe place, he walked out of the hut. I sighed, frowning as I stood and hurried after him.

"My life is getting weirder and weirder by the day??" I whisper, shaking my head.

By the time me and Karasu met with Usagi, I had already decided that I would question them more about this complicated situation of mine.

Well, I'll ask Usagi more about it. Karasu would just be annoying.

"Are you ready for this journey, Michelangelo-san?" Usagi asked, looking down at me.

We exited the much safer village, marking the start of our quest; whatever it is... As we walked further and further into the woods, Karasu trailing behind us, I hesitated as I debated my answer.

Finally, I grinned at the mutant warrior.

"I have no idea what's happening anymore, but sure!"

Aʋtʋɱŋ Wɩŋʛs ✸ 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗪𝗜𝗡𝗚𝗘𝗗 𝗪𝗔𝗥𝗥𝗜𝗢𝗥 (TMNT)Where stories live. Discover now