15| Awaiting death

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This is the first TMNT fanfiction I've had with over twelve chapters, so I'm excited!!

Chapter Fifteen: Awaiting death

The terrifying creature from earlier hovers over me, jagged beak inches above my face. It's black spikes cast shadows on the rocks, and the scarlet scales glittered in the dawn sunlight.

The Akuma let out a terrible screech, wrapping it's long claws around my body.

"AGHHHHH! HELP!" I scream, trying to get away. But the monster was already in the air, flapping it's large wings and stirring up dust.

I tried to grab my nunchucks, but my arms were stuck to my side. I frantically struggled against the creatures claws, desperately screaming.


I caught a glimpse of Usagi and Karasu, who were racing out of the cave, alarm showing on their faces.

But I was already gone, far out of reach...

Their yells disappeared into the distance, and the Akuma let out another screech that made me cry out in pain. It's claws dug into my sides, and I continued to writhe back and forth...

Which only made the creatures talons curl harder into my skin.

I gasped for breath, anxiously looking back and forth. All around me was clouds, but I could see that below us the tops of the trees were nearly brushing against us.

My frantic struggling slowed, and I realized that it was no more use.

I won't get out of this one. Not without my brothers....

I wonder what will happen if I die here...? Will I wake up in the Lair, completely find but unable to come back to this realm? Or will...

Will it cause me to die in both worlds?

I allowed myself to fall limp, a defeated expression on my face as I awaited a surely terrible death.

Would I be eaten alive? Or would it slit my throat and toss my dead body to its children, watching as they hungrily tear me apart with jagged teeth?

What if the Legend of Tsume is true? What if it tries to take me into a volcano and I'm burned to death??

I sadly look up at the rising sun, which was now climbing above the horizon.

Will this be the last sunrise I ever see...?

Just as I was about to completely give up, now prepared for the emotional toll that death would have on me... Something strange caught my eye.

I tried to look down at the land below, which had transitioned into a rocky meadow. And I swear, I saw something flickering across the grass. They must just be normal animals...

The hope of being rescued began to dim.

Usagi and Karasu are to far away, they couldn't have gotten here in time to help me.

But then something unexpected happened. One of the moving shadows seemed to freeze, looking upwards. Narrowing my eyes, I tried to see what creature it was.

The next thing I knew, an arrow was flying at me.

I yelp, trying to turn away from the air born weapon, but I couldn't get anywhere when I was trapped in the akuma's claws. Closing my eyes tightly, I waited for the arrow to hit me...

Only to hear a painful screech in my ear.

Opening my eyes, I gasped in shock when I see the jagged arrow stabbed into the Akuma's left eye. I heard yelling from below, and the monster screeched and whipped around, only to be met with more arrows flying towards us.

Arrow after arrow cut into it's scaly skin, and the creature let out another screech of pain.

We began to swirl downwards, and I let out a scream of my own as we near the ground. Now distracted, the Akuma did something I wasn't sure whether to be happy or sad about...

It released it's grip on me, allowing me to free fall to the rocky meadow below.

I faced back first to the ground, terror feeling me as I realized the new situation I was in. There wasn't even enough time to shift my wings.

And to think, moments ago I was so prepared to die...

Now that the cold reality was here, I knew there was no more hope for me. I allowed my arms and legs to fall limp, my former struggling having proved useless.

The wind whipped against my body, becoming weaker as I neared the ground.

Hopefully I won't also die where you are, brothers. And hopefully I won't be stuck in this realms afterlife, never seeing any of you again...

Taking in a deep breath, I put all my attention on the sky. The world seemed to go in slow motion as I gazed up at the clouds, tinted pink with the light of the sun.

I glimpsed gold and gray just beneath me, and clenched my jaw. Goodbye, everyone...

I slammed roughly against something, and expected death to immediately consume me. But when I realized the darkness wasn't overcoming my mind, and felt something soft touch my skin... I knew something wasn't right.

I fully opened my eyes, only to find myself staring into icy blue ones.

And then, I passed out...

Aʋtʋɱŋ Wɩŋʛs ✸ 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗪𝗜𝗡𝗚𝗘𝗗 𝗪𝗔𝗥𝗥𝗜𝗢𝗥 (TMNT)Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu