6| Fʀeʌĸ oʋt

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Here's the new chapter, I hope you guys like it! I'm getting excited since soon I'll be able to put in some future scenes I've already written, plus have Mikey experience main points in the plot.

Chapter Six: Freak out

"Sometimes, I feel like you're insane." Raph muttered, glaring at me with narrowed green eyes.

I laughed nervously, hesitantly touching the bruise that had formed on my head. My brothers had of course noticed it- having it been so obvious. And, I had to admit that the explanation I gave them was a rather clumsy fabrication...

"I was, um... Waving too Icecream Kitty, and slipped on a bucket!"

The false claim had started out a bit nervous, but was then declared with enthusiasm, which could either alert them or make them dismiss it due to me often "messing up".

"Well if you're feeling fine, Mikey, you can join morning training." Leo casually announced, turning and walking to the Dojo.

I stared after him with scared eyes, jaw dropping.


"But I'm sooooo tired!" I whined, frowning after him. A moment later, Raph smacked the back of my head, making me yelp and get into a defensive position.

"Oh stop complaining and act like an actual ninja." He snorted, rolling his eyes before following our brother.

I let out an exaggerated groan of anger, sticking my tongue out after him. Why am I not even allowed to be tired now?! Anyways, I snuck out last night and at that feel like I actually trekked through a weird forest.

If only I told him what's been happening, then they would all understand!

But of course, as fate and my made up mind would have it, I couldn't yet tell them my secrets.

"Mikey!" A rude voice snapped me out of my thoughts, causing me to whip my head towards the Dojo doors. Raph was standing there, arms crossed as he glared at me.

"Are you coming, or are you going to stand around like a shell-brain all day?" He demanded.

Realizing that I must've just been motionless, I nervously laughed and started to walk towards him. The last thing I saw of him before he disappeared back into the training room, was him once again rolling my eyes.

Geez, how have they not been screwed off yet?

*                        *                        *        

Of course, Leo decided that we would be doing yet another mock battle.

I observed all my brothers, quietly sighing in disapproval. I already knew that Donatello had been up most of the night working on a new project, since he had been up when I snuck out.

Couldn't Leo see the complete and utter exhaustion me and him were experiencing...?

Part of me hoped not, because that would mean I would be questioned about why I was so tired. The other part of me felt like making a sign that screamed in big red letters, "LET US SLEEP!".

Aʋtʋɱŋ Wɩŋʛs ✸ 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗪𝗜𝗡𝗚𝗘𝗗 𝗪𝗔𝗥𝗥𝗜𝗢𝗥 (TMNT)Where stories live. Discover now