12| Legend of Tsume

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Here's the new chapter, I hope you all enjoy reading it!

Chapter Twelve: Legend of Tsume

"Why are you so stupid sometimes..." Karasu groaned, face palming.

Usagi glared at him, about to scold the young boy for insulting me, but Karasu obliviously continued.

"Ugh, whatever, let's just keep going towards the caves."

"It's not my fault that you're a kitty and I'm a turtle that doesn't mind swimming across a river." I muttered, looking back longingly at the large river we were leaving.

I feel so dirty, like I haven't taken a shower in weeks.

But I've only spent two days in Usagi's realm without going back to my own, so that's not that long without cleanliness... Still though.

"Usagi, if you don't mind me asking..." I trail off, glancing at him.

I feel so nosy to ask this, but I have no idea what's happening so I deserve to know, right...?

"Hm?" He hummed, still watching Karasu.

"... I don't really understand this. Where are we even going on this journey?" I question, rubbing the back of my neck in confusion.

Usagi chuckled lightly, finally looking over at me.

"I was wondering when you would ask that." He began, sounding slightly amused. "Well, you see-"

He was cut off by a loud screeching noise from above us, and we all covered our ears with our hands.

The sound made my eyes in terror and surprise, and on instinct, I looked upwards to find the source. A large, terrifying creature hovers over us. It had a long beak and jagged wings, dark spikes running down it's scarlet red back.

Gasping, my eyes widened in surprise. The creature launched downwards, claws stretching out to snatch up Karasu.

"AGH!" Karasu screamed, ducking down.

He covered his head with his paw-hands, shaking as he waited to get picked up and carried away.

Pulling out my nunchucks, I let out a battle cry. The chains wrapped around the monsters leg, jerking it backwards. Raising my foot, I leapt into the air, slamming my foot against it's eye when it turned it's head to look.

Screeching, it ripped free from the chains, flying away into the sky.

"Thank you!" Karasu sighed in relief, looking overwhelmed. But then he stiffened, turning back to glare at me.

"But I could've handled it myself!!" He protested, flicking his tail in annoyance.

I simply laughed, brushing past him as I hurried after Usagi. The rabbit warrior was walking ahead of us, his katana still in hand as he occasionally glanced up at the sky.

"Hey, wait for me!" Karasu yelped, rushing after us.

"An akuma? But those haven't been seen for centuries! How could this be?" Usagi questioned, long ears pricked as watched the creature fly into the distance.

"Doesn't akuma mean demon??" I ask, voice filled with worry.

"Obviously, reptile." Karasu snorted, rolling his eyes. Ignoring him, I give Usagi a questioning look.

"Yes, it does. But Akuma is simply a nickname for the creatures, which haven't been seen by anyone for many years. Their official title is 'Kurayami no Akuma', which means 'demons of darkness'. Their ruler is the source of bad spirits, and is said to live deep underground in a volcano." Usagi paused, looking up at the sky again.

"Though barely anyone believes the Legend of Tsume anymore. Even I had doubts, but now that we've been confronted by one of his creatures, I wouldn't be that surprised if he existed." He finished.

"Well that's creepy, I still hope it's not real though!" I laugh nervously, anxiously gulping.

We hiked alongside the bottom of the cliff, which seemed to stretch into the distance forever. About five days later, Usagi stopped walking.

Or maybe it was thirty minutes, I don't really have a watch.

Curious, I looked around to see why we were no longer moving. Beside us was a small cave carved into the cliff, big enough to fit about ten people.

Hope filled me, and I looked back at Usagi.

"We'll sleep here for the night." Usagi decided, dropping his pile of branches, which he had gathered earlier.

Both me and Karasu sighed in relief, plopping onto the ground. We tiredly watched as Usagi made a campfire, soaking in the warmth of the flames when he was finished.

"I will take first watch." Usagi started to walk away, but I jumped to my feet.

"I got it, Usagi dude! You two should really get some rest. You both need it more then me, I still feel fresh as a daisy!" I grin, giving him a thumbs up.

Usagi smiled softly, putting his hands together and bowing slightly.

"Thank you, Michelangelo-San." He murmured.

Returning a much more dramatic bow, I nod to him and turn back. When I hear Karasu's soft snores a few minutes later, I turn back to see them both sleeping on the stone ground.

After an hour or so of shuffling around, and repeatedly trying to get internet connection on my T-phone, I yawned.

I looking up at the bright moon, which was beginning to sink lower to the horizon. But the stars hadn't started to fade yet, and I guessed it would still be a few hours until dawn.

Yawning, I blearily looked around me.

"Maybe I'll just rest my legs..." I whisper, drowsily sitting down.

I leaned back against a large rock, looking up so I could see the stars above me.

"And maybe I'll just... Close my eyes for a bit, too..." I yawn, slowly closing my eyes shut.

For the next few minutes, I jerked my head up every now and then, struggling not to fall asleep. But finally, darkness consumed my mind...

And I fell into unconsciousness.


I hope you all enjoyed reading this chapter, the next one will be out soon! And in Japanese "Tsume" means Claw.

Aʋtʋɱŋ Wɩŋʛs ✸ 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗪𝗜𝗡𝗚𝗘𝗗 𝗪𝗔𝗥𝗥𝗜𝗢𝗥 (TMNT)Where stories live. Discover now