20| As if I'm... Fading?

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Hey guys, I'm sorry for the little late update! I also just finished writing "Beckoning", so I was busy with that.

Chapter Twenty: As if I'm... Fading?

"Come on, Mikey, focus!" Leo demanded.

We were currently on patrol, fighting a bunch of Kraang that had met up at the docks. They were transporting mutagen, and our mission was to stop them and secure the canisters.

But no matter what, I couldn't do anything right.

My form was off, my movements were sluggish, I couldn't hit any targets, and I've almost been beheaded like twice.

I ducked just as a razor flashed by where my head was, eyes wide for a second. Thrice.

I don't understand what happened to my awesome ninja moves?!

It feels like I haven't practiced for months. Heck, it FEELS like I'm walking on air, as if my movements are in slow motion and weak!

Suddenly, someone swept his foot against my feet, causing me to yelp and tumble to the ground. When I looked up, I realized that Raph had accidentally kicked me instead of a Kraang bot.

"Watch where you're going, Mikey!" He growled, jumping back into the fight.

"Hey, you're the one who bumped into me!" I yell back, ducking to avoid an onslaught of Kraang bullets.

All Raph did was glare at me over his shoulder.

When the fight was finally finished, and the remaining Kraang had either retreated or been stabbed in the robot head by Raph, our hot-headed brother stomped over to me.

"Uh oh, someone's upset..." I nervously laugh, rubbing the back of my neck.

"What's wrong with you lately?!" He demanded, and I winced as he continued.

"Your 'awesome ninja skills' are lamer then usual, and that's saying something." He accused, crossing his arms and studying me with an annoyed expression.

But I missed the way that he searched my face, as if trying to find out something, something of great importance and confusion to his mind.

I simply glared at him, rolling my eyes.

"Whatever!" I sigh, turning away. I don't want to deal with this right now. I guess I just got used to the small break from them... "Shouldn't we be continuing on patrol now anyways?" At that, I walk away, practically fuming.

Shell, now I'm acting like Raph!

"We have to take these back to the Lair." Donnie pointed out, and we turned to the direction of his voice.

He was dragging a heavy wooden box out of the white Kraang van, seeming to already be exhausted by the tired look on his face.

"But we still have another thirty minutes left!" Raph protested, glaring at him.

"Donnie's right. We'll just spend more time on patrol tomorrow night." Leo decided, shrugging off Raph's glare, which was now directed at him.

Realizing the chance, I decided to take a opportunity to shift my wings.

It's already been a few days since I have!

My three brothers pulled out the one remaining crate from the van, and I hesitantly watched as Raph lifted it up into his grip. Leo walked over to Donnie, helping him carry his crate of mutagen canisters.

"I'm going to stay behind for a bit." I speak up, trying to make my voice come out strong.

But for some reason, it sounded more quiet then intended.

But I tried to say that very loudly??

"Wow, and just leave us to take care of all the hard work." Raph grumbled, starting to walk away.

But Donnie looked over at me from over the top of the box, and was wearing a confused expression. Before he could say anything, Leo spoke.

"Fine, just be back at the Lair in twenty minutes, and make sure to call us if anything actually important happens." Leo ordered.

"The pizza delivery guy forgetting to deliver our pizza doesn't count." He added, walking away with Donnie.

I rolled my eyes, but was surprised as to why my usually protective oldest brother was so calm about this.

I simply tipped my head in curiosity, watching as they disappeared into the alleys of New York, heading towards the nearest manhole.

I finally shrugged, turning and walking away from the docks.

* * *

I was standing on a rooftop, staring dumbfounded at my hands. Confused, I wave my arm around in the air, studying the way that my skin seemed so much paler, as if I was...


That's not normal... Maybe I'm coming down with a cold? Could that also explain why moving around suddenly feels so weird?

Sighing, I shook my head to clear the rambling thoughts.

I smiled, standing up and walking over to the ledge of the roof. I peered down at the alley below, then at the lit up city around me.

It's been five minutes already, I better hurry up if I really want to exercise my wings enough.

I tried to shift, but was confused when I felt nothing. The usual numbness that took over was barely a tingle, but I still knew that I must've been starting shifting right now...

But even though it would be a successful transformation, I didn't like the new feeling, and wanted to make it back to the usual way.

So I stopped, instead looking around for a way.

Standing on the ledge might help, I'll feel the wind more and the instinct that I need to fly will be stronger.

Taking a deep breath, I stepped onto the ledge of the roof, looking downwards. I clenched my fists, preparing for the numb feeling to take over.

But before I can do anything, a familiar voice yelled from behind me...

"Mikey! What are you doing?!"

Aʋtʋɱŋ Wɩŋʛs ✸ 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗪𝗜𝗡𝗚𝗘𝗗 𝗪𝗔𝗥𝗥𝗜𝗢𝗥 (TMNT)Where stories live. Discover now