thirty two : bullies

Start from the beginning

I took a deep breath and gave her my sweetest smile although what I was about to say was anything but sweet. "Spreading rumors, huh? Wow." I shrugged my shoulders to give a more dramatic effect. "I am so surprised you can spread something other than your legs. What would Fraizer's grandma say if she saw this?" I gasped and covered my mouth with my hands. "Oops. I forgot! You were kicked out of their house the last time you were there. I guess no more random stalker visit to Fraizer's house, huh?" Seriously, I should get an Oscar for playing a bitch. Truly. Jess would have been proud. It turned out that watching Mean Girls had paid off.

Surprisingly, the crowd cheered which was a surprise. Well, at least the male audience in the crowd since the girls were more subtle and only whispered to one another.

"At least I am no slut like you!" Her eyes went full-on crazy on me while her forefinger kept on pointing at me. Had she not learned that it was rude to point at people? One finger pointing at others, while four fingers pointing at no one other than themselves. "At least I did not sleep with my teachers or someone a lot older than me!"

Maybe I should point out to her that Joe was not that much older. Sure, he was ten years my senior, and ten was not a small gap but the way Margaux had talked about it made it sound like he was a hell lot older.

Everyone's eyes were on me, waiting for my response in anticipation. "I did sleep with my English teacher, although the accusation about me sleeping with the admission board is no more than a rumor since I got here by a legitimate scholarship. You could go ahead and check it with the school."

She pointed her red nail at me and said, "ha! I knew you really did it!"

Dear Mendes, why do I have to deal with this now? I internally groaned. She may look like decent twenty-something years old university student but she acted like she was ten.

"Well, at least I did not sleep with my boyfriend's best friend to get back at him." The crowd gasped sharply and Margaux's face was not as pretty as it was fifteen minutes ago. "Oh, they do not know about you and Matt? I thought you told your fans everything."

"You, slut!" Again, she jabbed her long, red-painted nail at me and used that annoying, condescending nickname.

I shook my head. "Your face is fine, to be honest, but you will have to put a bag over that personality."

"You!! You!!! I swear I will-" She lunged forward and I stepped aside, causing her to grasp empty air.

I raised my brow and tilted my head to one side. "You know, Margaux, you are really the kind of girl that a guy would show off..." I could not fight the urge as a wicked smile slowly appeared on my face as I added, "in the show and tell for a psychology class."

I did not wait for her reply as I was already on my way, walking away while the crowd was cheering on me. Once I had reached the front gate, I could not help but smile to myself. "Who would have thought that I could be a badass?"

I knew a real badass would never say something like that but I did not care.

Perhaps I should thank Margaux for making me feel slightly better. Or maybe not since she had looked like she was about to put her hands around my throat and choke me to death. In all seriousness, I really hoped she would stop being a bully because as much as I hated embarrassing her in the public (although I was simply returning the gesture), I would not back down or hold back. I would not let someone beat me down. I had never been a coward, I would not start to become one. Today she had pushed me more than she had usually done. I could understand that she was embarrassed after being kicked out by Fraizer's grandma but that was not a reason to be a douche.

I looked over my shoulder and did not see Fraizer anywhere. Although I had decided that if he chose to hide from me then that was his choice and told myself to stop looking for him, unfortunately, sometimes it was as if my eyes had their own mind and immediately searched for him amongst the crowd. Letting out a small sigh, I shrugged and decided to head straight home. I should be thinking of him and that kiss. 

So, my angels? What do you think?
What will happen next?
Will Phraser be in the next scene?
Will Tyler be able to make things right?
Let me know in the comments!

You've probably noticed that I've been updating daily these last few days, I'm thinking of continuing to do that. What do you think? Does it sound like a good idea or will it be too much to read? Let me know!

Loads of Pizza
Cos Pizza is Love

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