I wake up, and everything is dark. I see a figure sitting in Hermione's bed. She notices that I'm awake and comes over to my bed.


"What time is it?"

"4:36 am. I didn't sleep much."

"I'm so sad about this year but excited for it."


"Well, I'm not allowed to tell you the sad part. Why I'm excited... All I can say is that my ships will begin sailing."

"What does that mean?"

"You already know too much. I can't tell you that."

"So your lips are sealed?"

"Yep. Just remember that when it happens, you can come to me. You'll know what I mean."

"Okay. I'm glad your father finally got that job. Aren't you scared something will Halle at the end of the year that will mean he'll go back to potions?"

"He won't go back to potions, but there's definitely going to be something."

"I don't think he'll like it very much."

"You won't either, and I won't judge you on your opinion on it. I had the same reaction as you will have."

"Okay, then."

"I really have to show you that book."

"Book?" She perks up.

"From my time. I'll give it to you later. That can be your Christmas present."


"No, it's not okay." I bury my face in my pillow. "I'm going for a walk."

"Where? You're not allowed."

"That's the reason I can go invisible." I start pulling my uniform on. "I just want to go for a walk. Not that you're boring, but I want to have some time to just clear my head, you know?"

"Sure. I'd better study, then. See you at breakfast."


I slide through the door and down the stairs, to the common room. The fire crackles softly, and I climb through the portrait hole, apologising to the fat lady. She grumbles as I turn right, shivering at the cold. I take the stairs down a floor, and wander aimlessly.

Man, it's cold.

I bump into someone and fall on the floor. I grumble and look up.


He grins down at me sheepishly. "Hi."

"You're not supposed to be here!"

"Neither are you. What's up?"

"I woke up early. I can't get back to sleep once I'm awake. Why are you even out?"

"I woke up as well, and figured nobody would see me at this hour."

"I really need to keep an eye on you." I sigh. "Did Hazel get you those books?"


"How many?"

"At least twelve. They're big books."

"And you finished them?"

"Yes. I need more."

"Fine! I have some more. I haven't read one series, but it's popular."


"Hell no. Come on, I'll show you."

I lead him back to The Hideout Room, and hand him two series. "This is Game of Thrones. Haven't read the books, but people like it. This one," I gesture to Gathering Blue. "Read it first. Then read The Giver. After that, go on to Messenger, then Son. Or you can switch The Giver and Messenger around. I love this series so much, I can't believe I forgot about it."

"Lois Lowry? Is that a woman or man?"

"She's a woman, and so's J.K.- Rita Skeeter. She wrote the Harry Potter books. Also, you can re-read the books. Oh, wait."

Two more books appear.

"The Drowned Cities? What's that about?" He picks up the book, reading the blurb. "Cool. And the other one?"

"Nest Of Lies. Great book. Both of these aren't on a series, and the deaths aren't that sad."


A TV appears, along with some movies.

"You might want these. Happy?"

"Very." He sits down on some pillows he's just made appear. "Let's watch some movies. What do you recommend?"

So that's how we watched the two Hunger Games movies, because I wanted to watch Mockingjay at the movies when it came out.

I know, I know. Most muggles would have done the opposite.


Once the movies are done, I go down to breakfast, then depart to transfiguration.


Cmac1909 wanted another chapter so she could know more about Chelsea.

Sorry, next chapter.

QOTC: have you ever convinced someone your name was something it's not?

I know I have.

Please vomment!


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