Kid Keith

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Lance focused on the Galra soldiers ahead

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Lance focused on the Galra soldiers ahead. He lifted his gun up still unnoticed aiming for one on the right. He took a deep breath moving his finger to the trigger but before he took the shot, Keith moved in slicing his way through the group of enemies. "Hey! I had that!" Lance yelled watching the boy fight.

He saw a soldier aim a gun at Keith and Lance sniped him off watching his back. Keith looked up and gave a small smirk. "Thanks 'buddy'."

Lances eyes narrowed as he gave the boy the stink eye playfully. Keith laughed but when a small purple ball rolled toward him and exploded into a cloud of spoke he erupted into a coughing fit trying to escape the gas. "Keith!" Lance exclaimed jumping down from his post to get to him.

Keith was breathing heavily as he was slowly getting away from the mysterious cloud. Lance covered his mouth and nose pulling Keith away. "Are you Okay?" He asked giving Keith a small look over.

"Yeah I'm fine." He spoke in a deep voice that sent shivers up Lances spine.

Lance shook his head, this was a really bad time to be thinking about that kind of stuff with Keith. "You scared me. Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yes! I said I'm okay." Keith rolled his eyes coughing a bit more.

"Lance, Keith, what's going on?" Shiro asked.

"Keith got hit with some kind of smoke bomb, we should call off the rest of the mission." Lance informed.

Keith snapped his head toward Lance. "We aren't calling off anything! I'm fine!"

"Keith you could be-" Lance started.

Keith pushed away from him. "It's not your job to watch out for me." He snapped.

Lance felt fury unleash in himself and was seeing red. "Yes it is! Geez Keith! Your such a jerk!" Tears welled in his eyes and he stomped off back to his lion leaving a slightly confused, guilty, shocked, and intimidated Keith. It was fair to say both boys were falling victim to a variety of emotions.

"Everyone head back to the castle, we'll regroup and check Keith's condition." Shiro instructed not knowing the fight a had just occurred.

The paladins' lions all arrived at the castle and the pilots gathered in. All but one. As angry as Lance was, no one else was pointing out the fact he was missing despite only a few seconds passing. Maybe Keith was right, he did worry too much.

Lance headed to the red lion to apologize to Keith but mostly because he couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong.

Upon approaching red he found that she was allowing him to enter. This caused panic to well up inside him and he made a sprint for the cockpit.

He slid in, his eyes darted around the room frantically searching for any sight of the boy. "Keith?" He called quietly.

But he was no where in sight. Or so it seemed.

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