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Lance POV:

I laid in bed facing up and the rough textured ceiling. I closed my eyes breathing softly feeling relaxed. I didn't feel present in my room but rather elsewhere. I could feel myself everywhere.

"Lance! Dinners ready! Set the table!" My mother called from the bottom of the stairs. My eyes snapped open and I got up feeling heavy and tired. A full nights sleep had become a luxury lately leaving me with little energy for anything.

I went down the stairs at a speed that could only come from having gone up and down them for years. I placed the dishes forks and cups on the table as I had done hundreds of times before. I dished myself some of my mother's famous meatloaf and green beans.

I grabbed by glass and brought it under the faucet turning the handle. A fresh glass of water was all I needed. My family and I did the usual prayers before digging in. I looked at the glass of water harshly.

The water sloshed around before spilling and running to the ends of the table. That was weird.

I quickly grabbed a washcloth and wiped up the mess. I got a miniature lecture from my mom to be more aware of my surroundings so accidents like that don't happen. I never touched it.


I was walking to school with my overly heavy backpack swung over my shoulder.

"Hey Lancey!" Said a familiar voice.

I looked up and glared. Lotor, just a kid that goes to my school. A kid that takes teasing and bullying to a largely unappreciated level.

I looked around seeing no one was really around to help or possibly witness what was going to happen. That is of course excluding two kids that typically hung around Lotor commonly known as his goons. They helped and followed what he said in everything.

It didn't take long before I was running from the three. It's times like these I feel grateful for my long legs. I was chased into a park where I stopped running, my lungs burning and legs aching.

The three took absolutely no time in catching up. It became very apparent that there wasn't a way of avoiding the situation as I was already tired and unable to outrun or overpower the three.

My heartbeat began to quicken and I could feel my blood run through my body. I became aware of the area around me but mostly certain spots. Almost like it clicked in my brain I looked to the drinking fountains which twisted with pressure before water sprayed covering a large area.

The water collected in the air twisting and bending smoothly. I built up into a large wall behind me and I could tell I was controlling it. It came naturally but felt draining. The boys were frozen in terror and the two goons were quickly chased away.

Lotor however remained, the wall continued to build and I felt my power becoming stronger the more water I obtained.

A small group of people ran into the park and looked at me not with fear but understanding and awe.

The tallest signaled the others to wait.

"You think I'm scared of some water trick?" Laughed Lotor.

He took a threatening step forward and I stepped back. I felt all this power, I knew I could stop this in a split moment but I... couldn't? I was still scared. Scared he would beat me, overpower me, win.

He lunged forward and grabbed my shoulder harshly with his left hand and his right finding its way to my stomach. I doubled over in pain, I yelled launching all the water at him in a fury.

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