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Keith walks through the hall finally making it to the lounge. He sighed as he plopped down in exhaustion. Lance walks in after looking around curiously.

"Have you seen Hunk? I want to ask if he'll help me make a cake," Lance asked walking over to Keith.

"Uh-no. I haven't seen him around." Keith said sitting upright. Lance folded his arms and sat down next to Keith, a little close.

"Urrgg! I swear I walked through the entire castle!" Lance complained.

"Is he already in the kitchen?" Keith suggested. Lance then lit up. "Good thinking, thanks mullet." Lance said as he got up and sprinted out. Keith thought he was probably the cutest thing alive but of course he'd never let Lance know that.

Keith leaned back again and fiddled with his hair. Maybe he should cut it...

Keith's thoughts were interrupted when he heard a loud bang, just loud enough to get his attention. The doors then slide open and... Lance walks through?"

"La-" Keith begins to say but stops as he notices a huge difference, it's Lance but... older.

"Ah Keith. Perfect, I need your help, you see I meant to travel back to quickly record something in the 90's but something was wrong with the engine, I had to quickly stop it before anything got out of hand so I landed it in this time. I need help fixing it in order to complete my mission and return to my own time." Lance says completely serious which leaves Keith to stare at him in shock from the sudden outburst of information.

"Lance? You're not-" Keith started. "From this time." Lance finished. "I'm just... older." He rubs the back of his head.

Keith couldn't help but blush, he thinks Lance is cute and all but Lance was freaking hot. He was slightly taller, more muscular, he was definitely more mature and damn...

"Keith?" Lance says snapping him back into reality. "I need help fixing my ship, there's something wrong with the engine. I didn't want to risk continuing going back in time."

"Oh, uh, yeah right." Keith says awkwardly standing up as quick as possible.

"Thank you Keith, you're a savior no matter how old you are." They began walking. "Wait, let me just wrap my head around this. So you're Lance but from the... future?" Keith couldn't believe it still.

"Well, Yeah. That pretty much puts it bluntly."

"So if I'm right, time travel is invented in our lifetime?" He looked to Lance getting a nod. "Wow..., amazing. You said something about a mission?"

"Yeah, I need to go back to the 90's. Shiro wants me to collect some information about the holographic's on the wall of the cave I found Blue in. Not too important, but nice to have. We could probably find out something we didn't know before which I can't tell you for obvious reasons." Lance sums up.

"Right. So are you sure its not bad for you to be here while current Lance is? Doesn't that create like a wormhole or something crazy like that?" Keith asked.

Lance stared at him a moment before breaking into laughter. "You've watched too many movies. It's not really a huge deal, we all just decided on seeing our past selves not being such a good idea."

"Why not?"

"We could give them information that leads them to change the future. In some ways it could be good but better to not risk it." Lance explains.

Keith nods as his eyes land upon a ship that looked fairly similar to their regular ships they have now but more advanced. "Are you sure I can fix this? Seems a little complicated..." Keith stared at the time traveling ship nervously.

"You're smart, you could probably figure it out if I gave you a bit of time but we could grab the others, this is definitely Pidge and Coran's thing."

"Yeah, they should be around here somewhere..." Keith said putting his hands on his hips.

"Awwwe, Keith! I cant take it anymore! You're just so adorable. I almost completely forgot younger you. Older you always acts like he's tough, I mean of course not when it's the two of us but still." Lance said pulling Keith into a bear hug.

The doors slid open and young Lance just stared at the sight dumbfound. "Uh, what's going on?"

Older Lance let go of Keith and turned around. "Oh wow, it's hard to believe that was me! Ohhh I remember that jacket, I was so upset when it got torn up during a fight."

"Uh, Lance, this is you but from the... future. His ship broke down and he needs help fixing it." Keith explained trying not to seem crazy or delusional.

Lance stepped forward and began to inspect himself without word while his older self just stood there awkwardly watching. "I still pick up a lot of chicks don't I?" Lance said sure of himself. This comment seemed to take older Lance by surprise.

"Well actually..." He begins to run the back of his neck. Young Lances face drops. "Ooh, I remember what's going on in this time period now." Older Lance suddenly brightens. He then becomes sympathetic and comforts his younger self. "I know you're going through a rough time but I want you to know it's alright, it's not weird to like guys." He whispered the last part.

Lances face immediately burns red as Keith stood there in absolute shock. "W-what?" Lance stutters.

"Anyway, about fixing the ship!" Lance claps his hands together. The others walked in cluelessly before absolutely being dumbstruck like Lance.

Keith was annoyed at having to re-explain everything but his mind was elsewhere. He just kept going back what future Lance said just moments ago.

It took everyone a minute to process and they asked a few questions but they were immediately willing to help. Young Lance's face was still red with embarrassment but he wore a serious contemplating expression. Keith walked over and sat down next to him. "Crazy..." Keith spoke up.

"No kidding right?" Lance breaths out. "Hey me, I have another question." Lance says as he watches his future self stroll over.


"Do I-do I ever um, you know...? Do I have a- am I dating anyone?" Lance finally manages to blurt out.

His future self seemed to think for a moment deciding if he should tell him anything or not. "No." He finally says.

Lances face drops but his future self cuts him of by removing his glove and showing off a wedding ring. Keith immediately wanted to know who he was married to. In fact, he was slightly jealous, BUT JUST SLIGHTLY.

Lance was intrigued. "I'm married?! To who?!" He asked overjoyed.

"Let me just say, you like him~ you may or may not have a crush on him~!" He teases but Lace immediately went red as his eyes slowly looked over to Keith. At the realization Keith also turned a very dark shade of red.

"I think it's fixed!" Pidge yells triumphantly.

"Thanks Pidge!" He gets up and walks over climbing inside his ship. Everyone stepped back to let it take off. "Hey Keith, come here a sec!" Lance calls.

"Yeah?" Keith asks still blushing horribly.

"I want you to do something for me, okay?" Lace received a nod from Keith so he continued. "Don't cut the mullet off. No matter how much I tease you or pick on you for it, just know I'm lying. Don't cut off the mullet, took you forever to grow that thing back." Lance said thinking back to the memory.

Everyone waved as Lance took off never to be seen again. Well not at least until 10 years later.

•couple weeks later•

"Keith, why don't you just chop off that mullet?" Lance laughed.

Keith smiled smuggly. "Because I know you like it."

Immediately red spread across Lances face. "Curse myself, he told you didn't he?"

Keith just simply smiled and planted a quick kiss of his cheek. "Maybe, maybe not~"

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