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It just started out as thoughts. It was manageable and not so concerning then. Just simple ideas, like 'what if I were to fly my lion into the castle at full speed' or 'what if I took the helm from Allura and flew the ship". They were crazy and irrational, it's not like I'd ever do them. Not in a million years! Just like how you'd imagine getting up and leaving during a boring discussion or think of jumping out of a moving car.

I didn't think much of it. But then it got worse. Everything I had an impulse for--wanted to do--there was a small voice urging me. Take the last brownie, ignore people talking to you, steal Keith's jacket. I didn't act on most of them still.

But the more I did act on them, the worse they got. My attitude turned sour and desires grew deeper and sometimes even darker. It made me feel low and angry. When I wasn't acting on the impulse and listening to the voice, I was splitting my head trying to ignore it.

I was sitting on the couch bouncing my leg and fiddling with a Rubix's cube I got (stole) from the space mall just a couple days ago. I felt guilty at first, but the voice in my head kept pushing it away.

Shiro walked in and the paladins followed. They were dressed up to train and they all gave me annoyed looks. "Lance, you were supposed to meet us at the training deck twenty minutes ago."

I shrugged not even looking up from the colorful cube.

"Lance. We want an explanation." Shiro said putting his hands on his hips.

I stopped fiddling with the toy and set it next to me. I stood up and looked at my teammates. The voice was telling me to stand my ground, give them a piece of my mind, let them know who's in charge.

I've never acted like that before, how will they react if I do? I've always been a pushover. I felt a wave of anger at that.


But how will they react?

I felt a hand on my shoulder and a breath near my ear. "Oh come on, it wouldn't hurt to just try..."

I wasn't even startled by the contact. I was already familiar with it. It was the voice.

No. I keep calling it 'the voice' like it's a separate entity, but it's me. I know it is.

I looked up from the ground making eye contact with Shiro who was still looked at me expectantly. "I didn't feel like it." I said lowly and tilted my head slightly.

"Good! Good!" The voice praised. "Don't stop there..."

"Lance," Shiro spoke sternly, "training isn't an option. We do it to-"

"I'm gonna stop you there. What are you gonna do about it anyway? Give me an angry look?" I folded my arms.

"Lance, if you refuse to train... then..., then we'll have no choice but to remove you from the team." Shiro almost seemed sad to even threaten the idea.

I couldn't hold back a laugh, "Don't tempt me," I glanced at the others who all looked shocked and hurt. I knew I should feel miserable at the sight, I would have before. But now... now it actually made me want to laugh.

I faltered at the realization. What's happening to me?

I quickly looked over my shoulder to the source of the voice but nothing was there. I turned back to my teammates and felt I ping in my chest at the damage I caused.

I dropped my arms from their folded position and stuttered. How do I fix this? Can I even fix this?

"Why bother? You never asked to be part of this team anyway." The voice chuckled. I looked up to see me. Me, with yellow eyes, my black under suit, and leaning against Keith with an elbow on his shoulder.

Klance OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now