The Paid Date

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Keith pulls out his earbuds, "What did you say?"

"I said, my friends and I are going out tonight, and you're welcome to join." Dawson, his classmate, smiles.

"Oh uh, no thanks." Keith puts his earbuds back in and resumes scrolling through his phone. He feels a jab in his ribs and he glares up at Pidge.

Pidge rolls her eyes and grabs the cord of his earbuds giving it a yank. Keith rubs his ears and makes a grab for his earbuds. "You're such a grouch."

"What? I didn't want to go." Keith shrugs.

"That guy was totally shooting his shot with you!" Pidge groans.

"I don't even know him." Keith grimaces.

"Exactly why he was inviting you to hang out, so you can get to know him." She smacks the back of his head.

Keith rubs his head with a scowl. "Sounds like too much work."

"You're going to die alone and whiny and I won't feel a smidge of sympathy for you." Pidge grumbled.

"You say that like it's a bad thing. I die happy, alone, and sleeping on whatever side of the bed I want." He snatches back his earbuds.

"You're impossible." She makes a motion like she's going to strangle him.

"That's the point." He goes back to scrolling. They're sitting in the lounge of their dorm and Pidge is waiting on her friends to get out of class because they have plans to meet up for lunch. Pidge is Keith's only friend really, and he likes it that way. She's cool and doesn't take shit from anyone.

She's invited him multiple times to hang with her friends, but he always comes up with an excuse. Today's excuse is that he wants to work while he eats. Pretty lame one, though he's running out of ideas. "Ah, they're done. I'll see you around." She gathers her things and heads out.

Pidge meets up with Lance and Hunk just outside the science building and they walk to the dining hall. Lance is blabbering on about the crazy date he had yesterday but claimed he isn't going to call back. "She flashed the waiter and got us free dinner, I mean it was totally sick, but wow."

"Lance, you always claim to have all these people throwing themselves at you. Yet, you're still as single as ever. It's all talk." Pidge shakes her head. "Admit it, you're not as much of a ladies man as you say you are. You're a hopeless romantic."

"I am not!" Lance sets his tray of food down and glares at her. "I'm the hot stud who can make anyone fall in love with me."

"That sounds rehearsed." Pidge smirks proudly at getting Lance riled up.

"It's true! I could get anyone in this room's number. I'm a ladies man! A heart breaker!" Lance slams his hands down on the table.

Pidge shakes her head, out of the corner of her eye she sees Keith sit down on the other side of the cafeteria. "I don't know about that, Lance."

"Let's make a bet. Fifty bucks I can get anyone in this rooms number. You pick the person, and if I bring back their digits you pay up." Lance smiles cockily.

"I wanna make some adjustments." Pidge grins. "Let's up it to $100. You get the digits of whoever I choose in this room, and you have to get them to go on at least three dates with you. If they break it off before that, you lose."

Lance frowns. "Sexual orientation in mind, you can't pick a lesbian or a straight guy or something."

"I wouldn't dare. Cross my heart." Pidge holds out a hand and Lance shakes it.

"Okay, who?" Lance looks around the room rubbing his hands together.

Pidge makes a whole show of looking around at everyone. "Hmm, what about professor McKeagen?" She rubs her chin.

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