I cant think of a clever title

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Lance McClain was a boy with a lot of promise. At only eight years old he was sent into space. He was going to be the first child ever to leave earth.

However, things didn't go as planned. He was sent with two other astronauts, Dr. Shada, and Mr. Yuen. They couldn't do anything when a Large alien warship abducted them.

On Earth, no one knew what truly happened but claimed it was because of an error made by the pilots.

Lances family and friends mourned his loss. They believed he was dead and never expected to see him again.

Nine years had passed. The mission was still remembered as a tragedy. Hunk, once a friend of Lance, snuck through the hallway quietly as Pidge followed close behind. Pidge, while she wasn't close friends with Lance knew him and they were in the same class. "We're going to get in trouble." Hunk whispered.

"I'm picking up on readings like never before. Something is going to happen tonight, I know it." She pushed past and continued until they made it to the roof.

"What's that?" Hunk pointed up at the sky. Pidge was setting up her equipment and looked up into the sky. Her eyes narrowed and she snatched her binoculars.

"I think it's a ship." She said handing them to Hunk.

Hunk gazed at the large metal pod rocketing to earth. "We should leave. If we're caught-"

"Hunk look!" She exclaimed. The pod crashed to the ground and dust blew their hair back. The crash site was about 70 meters away but they could see as a boy with white hair climb out.

Scientists wearing hazmat suits came out holding weapons and tranquilizing guns. The boy seemed to be trying to warn them of something but they didn't listen and shot him with a tranquilizer.

He was taken away and the two teens stood in disbelief. "We have to do something." Pidge turned to her friend determined.

"How do we even get in?" Hunk looked down at the base.

"We need some type of distra-" Pidge began but a loud explosion sounded and caught them off guard.

Scientists and military soldiers ran out looking for the source.

"Let's go, their distracted." Pidge took off Hunk following close behind.

"Look!" Hunk pointed to two other people running at the base. However, they recognized them quickly.

"It's Keith and Mr. Takashi!" Pidge yelled smiling.

Keith was a classmate or former classmate to be more accurate. He was top of the class until he was kicked out. Mr. Takashi was a well-known pilot and teacher. Everyone knew he took Keith in and became a brother to him.

Hunk and Pidge followed close behind Keith and Mr. Takashi. "Kids, what are you doing here? This is dangerous." Takashi slowed to run next to them.

"We saw the crash, someone was on that ship and they took him," Pidge responded. They watched as Keith fought a doctor who was standing next to the drugged boy. He had IV bags connected to his arm and a mask over his mouth. Hunks breathing slowed and tears appeared in the corners of his eyes. Despite nine years passing and the white hair, Hunk could recognize him.

"Lance?" He spoke softly.

The others all quickly looked at the boy upon hearing the name. "Let's get him out of here," Keith said pulling the mask off of Lance's face and pulling out the needles from his arm.

Lances eyes opened a sliver and he slowly pushed himself up gripping his head. Suddenly he shot up and looked at the people in front of him with urgency. "The-the Galra, they're coming! You have to believe me." He spoke roughly.

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