Hero Lance and Villain Keith

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By day I'm Lance McClain but by night I'm- what the citizens call -Doctor Sharpshooter. Maybe not the name I'd really hoped for but whatever.

My arch enemy is the Smooth Swordsman. He robs banks and steals weapons offed either keeping them or selling them to other robbers on the streets. His weapon of choice however is a knife that can turn into a sword, giving him the name Smooth Swordsman. Why couldn't I get a cool name like that?

My weapon of choice is a gun that transforms, pistol to rifle. The bullets are laser blasts which makes me feel all futuristic.

My wardrobe consists of a skintight blue suit with a DSS on the front and a blue mask. White thin armor covered my shoulders, chest, and abdomen. I wore white gloves and boots.

Smooth Swordsman really looks smooth in his outfit. He wore a similar suit to mine black but laced with purple. Instead of a mask, he had a black fabric covering his nose and mouth.

We fight a couple times a week, and while he's my arch enemy, I love seeing him every time. I love while we fight the little comments we make. Sometimes we even confide in each other a bit without giving away our identities.

But right now, I have a little more on my mind than crime fighting. I stared at Keith practically drooling over him. He sat alone on the other side of the cafeteria eating with his earbuds in.

Keith is this really cute guy I go to school with. He's a bit of a loner but when I have talked to him he's funny and clever. Did I mention I have a crush on him.

Hunk noticed my staring. "Why don't you just go talk to him?"

Hunk was my best friend ever. Pidge and him are the only ones who know about me being a hero in my spare time. They often help cover for me and inform me of any crime. They sos are sources of bad advice, like just now. "Are you kidding? Me? Talk to him?"

"Come on Lance. You're a crime fighting hero and you're too scared to talk to your crush." Pidge asked raising an eyebrow.

"Hey, just because I'm good at beating up criminals does not mean I have enough courage to get shot down by the person I like. Besides, even if he did agree to date me, he would get suspicious of why I'm so busy all the time. It could even put him in danger." I pointed out taking a bite of the mashed potatoes. School food was awful.

"Or it could turn out amazing and you'll be really happy. It could even help you relax from the stress of being a hero." Hunk pointed out cleverly.

I looked to Keith considering it. "I don't know... what if-"

"Don't you dare bring out the 'what if's'. It could turn out amazing and won't even know it." Pidge threw a pea at me.

"F-fine. I'll try." I stood up shakily. I looked at Keith and felt nervous butterflies in my stomach. Oh no.

I walked to his table and he didn't notice me until I sat across from him. He looked puzzled and pulled out his earbuds.

"Hi, the name's Lance. I was wondering if you'd like to see a movie or-" I began feeling the words flow thoughtlessly.

"I'm busy."

"Oh, um, like all the time?" I asked a little heartbroken.

"Yeah. Sorry." He put his earbuds back in and got up to dump his tray.

I felt awful. I got up silently and walked back to the table. Pidge and Hunk looked at me sympathetically. "What an asshole! He didn't even give you a-" Pidge began to rant.

"No, it's fine. He wasn't interested." I said sadly. I never thought Keith to act like that. He's always been decent and fairly nice when I talked with him.

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