Future Keith

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I sauntered down the hall, boredom getting the best of me. Pidge was busy doing nerdy stuff on her laptop, Hunk was busy trying to make an alien version of spaghetti sauce, Shiro and Allura would probably tell me to train. Keith popped into mind and I quickly brushed off the idea. That would never happen.

Just as I pushed the thought aside, Keith passed by. We're rivals, only rivals. I gave him a sort of soft half smile. He seemed a little surprised but returned it.

Yup, rivals. I turned the corner and ran into someone. "Sorry." I muttered backing up awkwardly. "Keith?"

I quickly realized that this wasn't Keith. He looked nearly identical to him besides his hair being longer and pulled back into a low ponytail, he was taller and more muscular, and to top it off, there was a new element to his face; a little more square and chiseled, perhaps even a small bit of stubble was growing in, the kind you get in the afternoon.

"Lance!" He breathed surprised. "I need help."

I looked him up and down once again. He wore a black shirt, black skinny jeans, and a long red coat with the sleeves rolled up. He wore black gloves and a few scars marked him.

"Look, I'm from the future, I think the Waywatch is malfunctioning." He explained.

"Future? Waywatch?" I stared at him uncertainly. "What the quiznack?"

He rolled his eyes, "I'm from the future," he showed his wrist with a single metal watch, "I used this to get here, but I think it's malfunctioning." He examined it once over before turning his attention back to me.

I know it's bad, I'm seriously finding out that time travel will be invented in my lifetime, and all I can think about is how hot Keith looks. "Um, right," I shook my head clearing my thoughts.

He smiled holding back a laugh. It was a genuine laugh head tilted back slightly and his hand slipped over his mouth to try to contain it. "I'm- I'm sorry."

"What?" I cut him a sharp look crossing me arms.

"You're so... small," He laughed a little more, "I'm finally taller than you."

"Whatever, you're probably a lonely old man in your future." I huffed.

"Sorry, I actually have someone." He gave a sort of half smile.

I uncrossed my arms a little surprised. I felt kind of... bummed? Or annoyed? Frustrated? Jealous came to mind but I pushed it out. I'm not jealous. "Well your gir-"

"Boy." He corrected.

I froze. "Well your boyfriend-!"

"Husband actually." He smiled smugly crossing his arms.

"Wait... hu-hu-husband...?" I looked at him a little shocked. I could tell my face was probably a bright pink.

He nodded. "Now, about getting me back to my time."

A million questions were running through my head. Who was he married to? Do I know him? Does he have kids? Is there any chance he could be lying?

"What the quiznack?" Pidge dropped her mug with wide twitching eyes. It shattered on the ground causing me to jump. Keith put a hand on my lower back and I nearly jumped again at the gesture. He pulled his hand back almost as if he didn't mean to do it in the first place.

Pidge, after being filled in, called in the others. Keith never looked so confused when he walked in to see an older version of himself. I felt a tinge of sadness to see him. A boy I've always known I could never have, but whatever hope existed was now crushed to dust before my eyes.

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