I smiled "thanks boys. Hey I gotta shift down at the DX, you boys wanna walk on down there with me?" I asked, opening my eyes and standing up from my spot on the floor and walking back to my room, slipping on my DX blue button up shirt.

"Sure" Ponyboy answered for the both of them as they stood up.

I walked back out to the two and we made our way out the door. Johnny closed the door behind us and did the same with the gate. We then began our walk to the DX.

"Hey Ell, you wanna go to the movies later today?" Ponyboy asked.

"I'm sorry Ponyboy, I can't. Soda and I was gonna go down to the Dingo tonight" I half-smiled.

"Oh that's okay, what about you Johnny cake?" Pony then asked Johnny.

Johnny shrugged "I might be able to"

"That's alright guys, I'll probably just wait til tomorrow or something" Ponyboy shrugged as we got up to the DX.

"You boys gonna stay a while or head on back?" I asked as Soda walked out of the garage and walked over to us.

"Hey guys, hows it goin?" He asked.

"It's goin" I answered and shrugged. He wrapped one arm around my waist and kissed my cheek softly.

"Hey, were gon' get goin. We'll see you two later" Ponyboy said and waved to us as him and Jonny to turn around and began to walk back home.

"Bye guys" I waved to them, as did Soda.

"Alright, back to work Cola" I smiled to him and pulled away from his grip, walking inside the DX and to the cash register.


"Soda put me down!" I laughed as he spun me around, me threw over his shoulder on the walk home to the DX.

He laughed and set me down, wrapping an arm around my waist like he normally did.

"Hey Steve, is Evie coming with us tonight?" I asked.

"Yeah, of course she is" he smiled "we're gonna pick her up along the way".

We were walking along the when we heard a yell coming from the street over.

"Darry! Soda!" The voice repeated, the voice that belonged to Ponyboy.

Soda looked to Soda and I and then we all three took off running in the direction pony's voice was coming from.

Steve got there first, but before we got there Two-Bit had scared the Socs back into the car.

Steve ran up to the passenger side window, Soda to the Drivers side, and me to backseat behind the drivers. While Two-Bit was at the backseat behind the passenger side.

We were yanking at the Socs, almost trying to drag them out of the car. But they got the doors shut and backed out quickly as Dallas showed up.

We all ran after the car but had no luck as Dallas picked up a stick from the middle of the road and threw it as best he could with no luck of hitting them.

"Are you alright Ponyboy?" Darry asked, shaking him almost frantically.

"I'm okay. Quit shaking me, Darry I'm okay" Ponyboy said.

"I'm sorry" Darry replied and quit shaking Pony.

SodaPop ran over to Ponyboy and Darry "you got cut up a little, huh, Ponyboy?"

I walked over to Two-Bit "hey Two-Bit what happened?" I wondered since he was the first person there to help Ponyboy.

"All I know is I heard him callin for Darry and when I got over here a bunch of Socs were surrounding him" he replied as we walked back over to the group, the group Johnny was now joining.

Midnight Cigarettes ; The Outsiders fanfic {UNEDITED}Where stories live. Discover now