"So, I assure you still have not have the cure yet?" Hugh asked,

"Still on it." [F/N] answered, she takes out the book inside her bag. "I have questions." she flip through the pages, stopping at one page and then she showed it to Hugh. "I kept reading it repeatedly and I still don't understand. Yes, half of the sentences, I may understand but the rest seems to confuse me. It's like a riddle."

"Your blood, as same as to be like an Eve. Give, take upright to all of them and yet yourself. Waste for good will help, waste for evil will invade." Hugh read it, as like she said, I do understand the first sentences but I'm lost at the second and last sentences. "Your blood has the same function as Eves. Give and take blood will help us and you, yourself. Waste (or more understandable losing) your blood for your ally is good but losing your blood to the enemy will make them want for and abduct you even by force." Hugh explained. "This seems a like more understandable but I can't explain more how your blood really be in function to us."

"So, it told about your blood." I simplify it.

"I see. So I have to be careful." she reminded herself. "I understand it now but I'll keep thinking about that." [F/N] then went back to Hugh, "Thanks and it's great to see you doing fine, Hugh." she said,

"I may lost my power and a tad change of personality but I'm still me." Hugh grin,

"Oh. Then care to play Pokemon with me." Kuro came inviting to play, holding a PSP in hand.

Hugh accepted and they played as they wanted. Sitting outside the room, looking at the night sky. [F/N] went there to think, I sat beside her and stare as she mused. I can't tell what she's thinking.

"Having trouble?" I asked,

"No." she shook her head, "But I was surprised that you changed my family name." she said, it made me remember back when I introduce her to Tetsu. Remembering that, Tetsu came and joined us.

"Both your family name made me curious." Tetsu said, sitting beside me.

"Yes, we recently made a confirmation with my Uncle, who now is our Foster Father to become family." I explain,

"That's good to hear." Tetsu said, "But honestly, at first I thought you two were dating. I'm sorry." he bowed,

"At least you now know that we are now siblings." she forgave him, but knowing what people think of us really surprised me.

Leaving Kuro and Hugh be, with their game. [F/N], Tetsu and I had a lot to talk. Knowing everything about Tetsu, Pride's Eve. He said for us to relax at his family's Onsen House and go take the hot spring. [F/N] immediately rise up when Tetsu mention hot spring.

"Then, I'll take one." she said, leaving our conversation group.

"We'll leave tomorrow morning since we have school." I said,

"Yes. Leave your school uniform to the dry cleaning and tomorrow you'll wear it back." Tetsu said, I thank him after his kind offer.

~ ~ ~

[F/N] is in the hot spring bath, alone, soaking her body in the hot and relaxing bath while, still thinking what Hugh had said.

"My blood has the same function as Eves. Giving my blood will help them. Losing your blood for your ally is good but losing my blood to the enemy will make them want for and abduct you even by force." repeating back the words. "Eve give their blood to their Servamp so the Servamp will increase their power." [F/N] rethink as I had explain to her. "So, I'm an Eve--" still musing, "Wait." she stand up and holds her head. "You are the Eve to the Eight Servamp and you are the Servamp to all of the Eve." [F/N] remembered what the Inner Demon said.

Burst out of the bath, she wore the kimono for the Onsen House's guest. Run towards Hugh room and knock the door, I open the door just to be hug by [F/N].

"Wah. What's wrong?" I was surprised, hugging me even though the others were still here. I bought her in the room. "Wait. Why is your hair wet." I hold her [H/C] lock in my hand.

"After I figure out the riddle, I couldn't stop but let you all know." she said, then sneezed.

"Well, at least dry you hair." I took a towel and put it on her head. "Let me help you." I dry her hair with the towel. She thank me.

"So, what did you figure out?" Hugh paused their game, sitting down near a table and waited for the answer.

"I forgot to mention the other day, that the Inner Demon had said to me that I am the Eve to The Eight Servamp and I also am the Servamp to all of the Eve." she sat down the opposite side of the table across Hugh. Kuro came (in his cat form) and lie on her lap.

"So, for us Servamp, you are our Eve." Hugh understand,

"For us Eve, you are our Servamp." Tetsu came, had listen to the conversation.

"Yes, it's more like I'm included in the contract." [F/N] explained,

"That what the Inner Demon meant when they said that you are Sevamp and also Eve." I became to understand, too.

"And that I am called Blank." she reminded,

Knowing after that made it very clear about [F/N]'s title to be a Servamp and Eve, her decision made her go this far. Mystery and danger will yet arrived to tell the truth about her.

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