
Mason pulled up to the Curtis's house finally. I leaned over and hugged him softly. He wrapped his arm around me and kissed the top of my head.

"I'll see you sometime soon okay" he whispered.

"Okay, Bye" I said as I let go of him and climbed out of the car.

I walked up to the door and waved to him before I walked inside.

It was about 8:00 now since I got off work at about 6:30 today. I softly closed the door and turned to see no one was home.

"Hello?" I asked and shrugged it off. I walked down the hall and into my room, taking off the charm bracelet Mason had given me and settings it down on the dresser.

I always took off the bracelet but almost never took off the necklace Soda gave me.

I changed out of my DX shirt and into a soft blue t-shirt and clean jeans.

I picked up a pack of cigarettes and my lighter and then walked out of my room and then outside.

I opened the pack and picked out a cigarette and stuck it between my lips. I then rolled up my sleeves and stuck the pack on the inside of the rolled sleeve.

I then cupped my hand around the end and brought up the lighter, lighting up my cigarette and putting the lighter in with the pack.

I took a long drag of it, leaning against the side of the stairs.

A few minutes after Ponyboy and Johnny came walking up the steps.

"Hey Elliot" Ponyboy said, sitting down on the steps with Johnny besides him.

"Hey Ponyboy, Johnny" I said, sitting down besides him.

"Where'd you two go?" I wondered.

"Down to the movies" Johnny answered.

"Do y'all know when Soda and Steve get off? I don't remember Soda tellin me" I asked, taking another hit of my cigarette.

"I think they got off at eight, but Soda said Steve, Evie, and him were gonna go down to the Dingo tonight" Pony answered.

"He did? ... he didn't tell me that" I trailed off and looked straight ahead.

"Maybe he didn't want you to worry since you was goin with Mason" Pony said softly.

"Maybe ... I think imma go down there. You boys wanna come?" I asked as I stood up from my spot.

Johnny shook his head " I'm pretty tired, I might go on down to the lot".

"You sure Johnny?" I asked, holding my cigarette to my side.

"Yeah, I'll see you guys later" he said as he stood up.

"What about you Ponyboy?" I asked.

"Sure I'll go" he said and stood up "couldn't pass up a movie".

"Alright, hey Johnny you go on in the house if you need to" I said in a stern tone.

"Okay, okay" he nodded and began to walk down the street.

Ponyboy and I began our walk down to the Dingo. I picked out my cigarette box and handed that and the lighter to Pony. He took out a cigarette and lit it up, giving the pack and lighter back to me and I stuck it back into my sleeve.

"Hey Elliot, you think you gonna stay here for a while?" Pony asked.

"I'm hopin so, I ain't really got anywhere else to go. I'm fine with stayin here. What about you, you gon stay here?" I wondered.

Midnight Cigarettes ; The Outsiders fanfic {UNEDITED}Where stories live. Discover now