With that thought yoongi exited the bathroom and made his was downstairs.
He'd gotten semi-familiar with the house layout and felt comfortable enough to get to and from some of the more common rooms.

In the kitchen stood Ani at the sink doing dishes, Paisley behind her eating an apple while gossiping about some drama.
They both noticed yoongi enter and greeted him with a kind smile.

"Morning Yoongi!" Paisley chirped.

"Morning, where is everybody?" He asked gesturing to the dining hall which was normally filled with pack members for breakfast.

"Breakfast was served earlier than normal due to the change in training times." Ani answered softly. 

Yoongi had gotten to know some of the maids and staff, Ani was the Head maid. Yoongi talked with Ani sometimes, often in the middle of the night when she finished up her chores and yoongi would be awake because of the nightmares, something he was yet to tell anyone he was having.
Either way, yoongi enjoyed her company.
Paisley and yoongi had barely talked since the dinner a few days ago, but he still thought she was a bubbly happy omega, and thus a potential friend to him.

It was odd, yoongi thought, how before he came here he had such limited company with others. Asides from receiving orders that is.
Since he's arrived he met and spoke with such a variety of people, amazing.

"Would you like some breakfast yoongi? I could whip you up something real quick if you'd like?" Ani asked in her sweet voice.
She was a Beta, but held such confidence you'd easily mistake her for an alpha.

Yoongi thought back to this morning, the feeling of shame that filled his gut as he had stared in the mirror that morning.

"No. Thank you Ani, I'm fine." Yoongi answered politely.

Ani nodded and continued her chores.

"Is everyone at training Ani?" Yoongi asked, leaning in the kitchen island between them.

"Most are, but I believe Jimin and Taehyung are in the clinic sorting out some stuff"

"Oh.. maybe I'll go visit" yoongi smiled.
Yoongi smiled at the thought of hanging out with taehyung again, he really had gotten quite attached to his friend.

"Bye!" Paisley beamed as yoongi exited the kitchen, Ani waved goodbye also.

Yoongi walked carelessly to the clinic, humming a short tune as he goes. After reaching the door, he knocks twice and waits as he has learnt to do. After hearing a short 'come in' yoongi enters the clinic.

"Tae I was wondering did you wanna-"

"Taes not here, he's at training"

Yoongi finally closes the door behind himself and looks at who stands in the room.


"Oh Jimin-Hyung, im sorry I thought you were Tae" yoongi apologises, feeling slightly awkward in the elders presence.

Ever since the movie night, things between yoongi and Jimin have been kinda off. Jimin stopped talking to yoongi as much. Hoseok would talk to yoongi, and try to involve Jimin in the conversation, but the latter would only ignore the pair, or reply in short one word answers.

Yoongi didn't understand what he'd done wrong, so he instead presumed Jimin just didn't like him.
It wasn't all that shocking to yoongi, in his mind everyone should hate him. He's used to being hated. Everyone hated him in his old pack, the real shock was that no one hated him here.
Except Jimin.

"As I said, Taehyung is at training" Jimin stares at the floor once again, not making eye contact with the younger pup.

"Oh.. alright.. I'll just.. I'll go. Sorry for annoying you" yoongi apologised sincerely, even giving a short bow to make his point.

Jimins heart clenched. He didn't hate the omega. He actually like yoongi a lot. He just asked the wrong question at the wrong time, and let's just say Jimin can be quite stubborn when it comes to his emotions.

I'm such a dick.. Jimin thought as he watched the omega bow to him.

"Yoongi wait," Jimin called as yoongi opened the door to leave.

"Yes Jimin-Hyung ?" Yoongi replied with a kind tone, one Jimin didn't feel he deserved.

"Listen," Jimin stood in front of yoongi, looking down into the youngers eyes,"forget about me being a dick to you okay?" Jimins eyes flashed red. He was using his 'persuasion'. Rather than apologise, a thing Jimins pride hated, he decided to just erase the thought from the Omegas mind.

"H-Hyung! You're not being a.. you-know-what. I'm sorry that I annoy you, it's my fault you're angry. I apologise."

Jimin slightly smirked as the omega refused to say the word 'dick', yet was quickly slapped with confusion.
It didn't work? It can't! Try again!

"Yoongi, Listen very carefully," Jimins eyes turned red once again, "forget about me being rude and ignoring you. Nothing ever happened between us, understand?"

"I'm sorry Hyung, I don't understand." Yoongi hung his head low in submission.

"What's wrong with me?!" Jimin suddenly snapped turning away from yoongi, the omega jumped in shock, startled by the alphas actions.


Whats happneing?! I can't lose my gift! It's all I have! Without it I'm just a useless alpha! I'll lose my friends and pack if I become useless!

Jimins mind went into a tumbling spiral. He began thinking of unimaginable things the farther he went.
Yoongi sensed the alphas tension, both from his posture and his alpha pheromones in the air. Yoongi could tell Jimin was close to going feral.
He could handle a feral Jungkook, but Jimin is unmated and thus uncontrollable.

Yoongi acted on the first thought that entered his mind, calm him.

Jimin was suddenly ripped from his thoughts as he feels a pair of warm hands on his cheeks.
A wave of comfort and safety washed over his body and soothed his conflicted mind.

Yoongi held the alphas face in his hands, releasing a strong dose of calm pheromones. Yoongi concentrated on the positive emotions hidden in Jimins soul and managed to surface them enough to relax the distraught alpha.
Yoongi pulled Jimins anger, he pulled his frustration, yoongi took all Jimins negative feelings and place them within himself. He freed Jimin from his current anger.
Yoongis body was quickly becoming weaker the longer he worked on Jimins emotions.

After a moment of silence yoongi released Jimins face and took a step back. A wave of fatigue hit the omega, resulting in him stumbling over. Luckily Jimin was able to catch him before he hit the ground.

Jimin places yoongi carefully into the medical bed, and the omega was out like a light. Jimin stood in shock. Hi body feeling... lighter? Almost euphoric.
What just happened?

The bang of the clinic door startled Jimin from his thoughts. He turned to face the door and saw his friends.

Jungkook was the first to speak, his jaw clenched tightly as his veins popped out from his neck. He stood tall against Jimin and growled lowly,

"What happened Jimin?"

That's the end of the chapter!
Hope you all enjoyed!
I'm sorry if anyone was triggered by the stuff in this chapter, please understand I love you all ♥️

ALSO, regarding the Q&A, I've gotten a nice amount of questions, but not enough for a full q&a, so imma post it with the next chapter!
Also I have an announcement to make in the Q&A so look out for that.

Hope to see you again soon,

Word count: 1882


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