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So I should tell you a bit about my self? Well my name is Daniel (Dan for short) Smith, I am in the band Bastille. I am the front man for it but if it wasn't for Kyle, Will and Woody. I wouldn't be here and so I am glad they are my best friends and in the band with me.

We have been around for 4 years and realised 2 albums. We have mix tapes but these are our own songs I wrote and had help producing. We were on a trip to Australia and it was our 3rd time there it was going to be a longer tour. 4 months and it was going to be massive because we only came for a week last time and I had such a good time. We went skydiving and it was the best time ever.

We were on our way to the hotel when I saw a girl on the curb she was about Woody's height and she looked like she's been living here for a few years. I had sadness in my eyes because I couldn't believe how someone can be homeless. I got out of the town car and went to the door. I noticed her and she looked like she hadn't eaten in weeks probably months and well it was heart breaking to see. I got up to the door and noticed her and couldn't stop staring. It wasn't until someone said something that made me go inside. I headed to my room, because we were more famous now we had our own rooms and it was better because I hated sharing. I put my stuff down and headed to kyle's room to see what he was up too. He didn't sleep much on the plane so he was probably jet lagged. I laughed because he should be used to it by now. Woody, will and our tour manager Dockers came in and briefed us on what's happening in the next few months. We were in Sydney and it was beautiful...

Dick:"so guys you will be in Sydney for the next month and you guys will be on a rope but not too much for me to handle because you guys are grown men"

After we were filled in from Dick's message to be rock stars but be careful we headed out to see the sights and see what Sydney has to offer. I got my jacket on and my sunglasses and headed to see what the other guys were doing. Kyle was sleeping so it was me, woody and will. We headed to the zoo and saw the amazing animals that they had. We were walking around when the guys headed out to a pub. I wasn't in the mood to drink and watch footy so I headed back to the hotel. I wanted to get some sleep in before our concert tonight and it was midday so I wanted to get much sleep as I could. I was walking back to the hotel when I bumped into someone. I didn't know who it was at first but then I realised it was the girl from before who was sleeping on the streets. She looked sad and a mess. I wasn't really judging her but I felt bad for her.

"I am sorry, I should of looked where I was going.... Are you ok?"

"it's ok I just need to get to my dumpster around the corner so excuse me"

"hey, before you go can I get you anything?"

"no its ok really, I need to go but thank you."

"please I really want to help"

"fine, I would like a piece of gum... It will help with the hunger cravings"

"ok, sure. Here you go... What's your name by the way"

"thank you, and my name is Kristy"

"nice to meet you Kristy, I'm Dan"

"I know who you are I've seen you around and I used to listen to Bastille on my phone before it died and now I just play it in my head or hear it when I'm outside of a shop"

"that is a shame, well I have to go but I'll see you around"

"sure I'll be here"

I left Kristy, she was so sweet and I couldn't help but feel bad that she was in the ruck. She should be in a warm home and shouldn't be on the streets. I headed to my hotel room and I got on the bed, I tried to sleep but I couldn't stop thinking of Kristy she was on my mind. It was like I needed to help her and I was going to...

Later that night we headed to do sound check and get ready for the first concert in Sydney for our Australian tour. I was in the middle of blame when I kept thinking about Kristy, she was on my kind and it was like she was locked in my brain.

I was getting the words mixed up when the guys noticed and stopped playing. I looked at them and they could tell something was up and I had to tell them.

K"Danny boy what's going on?"

CW"come on Dan you know the words what's going on that brain of yours?"

W"Dan mate, we need to get this done what's going on"

"sorry guys, I just have something on my mind and I can't seem to shift it"

Kyle,Will and Woody all together yelled at me,


"OK, fine it's a girl and she is not like anyone before. She is someone who is broken and I feel like something bad happened to her and I want to help"

W"dan mate if she is worth your time then go for it and get her, she must be important if your messing songs up and making a fool of your self"

K"yeah, if she's as pretty as a kitten then do it because she is someone that you want to be with"

"hahah, thanks guys and you are so helpful, now let's get back to work so we can get the show on time"

After having a heart to heart with the guys well as you will call our heart to heart, we went back and sang the rest of the songs and it sounded great. Now it was time for us to get on later tonight. We were in allphones arena in Sydney it was bigger then where we were last year and it was going to be a big hit. We finished up and headed back to the hotel I wanted to see Kristy before I went in but she wasn't around the corner of the building so I guessed she moved on and I went inside and got a nap in before the concert.

We were in the middle of the concert and I was in the crowd singing campus I was having a good time meeting the fans and seeing all the people that came out and supported us. It was massive and I still shouldn't believe that these people like our music.

After singing blame that was our closing song we headed backstage to get dressed and chill before meeting fans and getting gifts off them.

We had a meet and greet and signed stuff for the fans and hung around with them before we headed back to the hotel. I was a bit tired from the plane ride so I went back to sleep. I was on my way back when I saw Kristy. She was getting hassled by another person so I went up to see what's happening.

"hey, what's going on?"

A worker from the hotel "she needs to leave, and she can't be here. I've told her a million times she is not welcomed here"

"well she's with me so you can show this lady some respect and I told her to meet me here"

A worker from the hotel "Oh really she's been here before you even came here and she's a nuisance"

"this lady is with me and now if you excuse us both"

I took Kristy and we headed inside and she didn't want to go at first but she walked with me. We got in the elevator and headed up to my room and I let her in..

Kristy looked around and saw how the room was warm and she felt like she was going to break something. I went to get her some towels and I got her a tshirt and boxers from my bag and put them on the bed.

"if you want a shower, you can I have some clothes too for you"

"thak you, I am going to use your bathroom and I'll be a few minutes"

Kristy took the clothes off the bed with the towels and I watched as she shut the door....

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