Chapter Two: Cruel Awakening

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"It was not easy to find you." Thor said as he looked at his sister. She seemed... different. When they had last spoke, she seemed happy, but now it was something different. Mind you, Thor hadn't seen her for nearly an entire year since the takedown of Ultron.

"What are you doing here?" She asked quietly, seeing her brother only brought up memories she wanted to forget.

"Can I not visit my little sister?" He asked, resting his hand on her shoulder with a kind smile.

Her eyes met his for a short moment before she cast them downwards. "A lot has gone on while you've been away..."

"I am truly sorry if you felt I abandoned you, sister." Thor frowned. "I did not think —"

"It's fine, Thor." Her accent long replaced by the American tone she was so used to hearing now.

Silence befell the two as Tasha rocked back and forth on her heels anxiously. Thor notes this, straightening his posture slightly.

"You have not been home in quite some time."

"While you've been off finding yourself, I have been here protecting the lives on earth." She snapped, eyes narrowed and arms crossed impatiently across her chest.

"I have not been home either, as such, I was hoping you would accompany me."

Her eyes snapped to his, anger swelling in her chest. "No."


"Don't TASHA me, Thor!" She spat as she shoved his chest. "This is my home now!"

"Asgard will always be your true home. You are the true heir to the throne —"

"No, that was always your crusade."

"No. Father has made it very clear you are to lead our people when he passes. I have no want for the throne."

Tasha growled, "I don't care! I have a life here, Thor. Friends. People who care about me!"

"Our people need their princess—" Thor sighed. "Tasha, I know you haven't been back since Loki passed, and I'm sorry I couldn't save him, but you can't avoid your destiny forever... we asgardians live a very long time."

"I am well aware of our life expectancy." Tasha sighed reluctantly, "I'll give you a day, Thor. No more than that."

Thor smiled happily, pulling Tasha into a tight hug. "It's so good to see you, sister."

"Yeah, yeah." She patted his back. "It's good to see you too, Thor."


Calling the bifrost sent an uncomfortable shiver down Tasha's back, the light beaming them through space at a fast enough pace she could just barely focus on the outside realms.

As soon as they arrived in Asgard, Tasha immediately felt wrong. She could feel a darkness enter her. "Thor? Somethings wrong—" she started, but her thoughts quickly left her as she noticed Heimdel was nowhere to be found.

Thor had long since flew towards the castle, and while Tasha could easily follow him, she found herself hesitant to do so. She knew the feeling crawling inside her body far too well.


It had only presented itself from one individual to her throughout her entire life. The one she would have done anything for — would have become anything for.


Her mind went blank as she ran through the halls, her heart threatening to beat out of her chest as she heard the smooth voice talking to Thor.

No way.

No fucking way.

Once Tasha turned the corner, her heart shattered as she laid her eyes on the man standing next to Thor.

It was a lie.

The realization hit Tasha hard.

It was always a lie!

Those cold, green eyes met hers for a moment, and Tasha swore she felt any happiness leave her body. Any good emotion was gone and was replaced only with hatred.

He lied.


Loki's voice was soft then, completely different to how it sounded when he was addressing Thor, who was holding Mornir tightly in his grasp.

Tasha said nothing as the crowd of people — her people — watched her intently. Loki took a step towards her, only to be blocked by Thor. "Do not speak to her, brother!" Thor spat at Loki, knowing just how heartbroken Tasha must have been in that moment. "You have no right!"

Loki glared at Thor, trying to push past him but failing at each attempt.

Tasha stepped towards the two, her face void of any emotion as she looked at Loki. His eyes pleaded with hers, but she felt nothing as she grabbed a fistful of his robe, tugging him upward.

"Where is Father?"


"Where is he?!"

"I — I can take you both to him."

Tasha dropped Loki, but before she turned away she touched the necklace that rested on her neck. She ripped it off, throwing it at Loki. He called for her as she left but she never quit walking as she felt Thor's presence behind her.


"What Thor?" Tasha's voice was quiet, and she looked like she had just been in a fight and lost.

"Are you alright?" Thor asked as Loki trailed behind him.

"I'm fine. Let's just get Father, alright?" She replied blankly, turning to look at him and Loki.

Loki was holding the necklace tight in his grasp, a guilty expression on his face as she addressed Thor. Neither said another word as they took the bifrost to earth.

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