Namjoon was shaking by this point, his voice wavering more and more with each word.


"We would go to those small packs, maybe only 30 members, demand payment. If there wasn't any cash.. the debt had to be paid somehow.. and people were made examples of.." Namjoon voice went quite. He hasn't spoken about the scouts to anyone asides from Chulsoon and Jim. That's it. Even Head Alpha only knows sparse details.

"I'm ashamed of it," Namjoon continued, finally meeting Jungkooks awaiting gaze, "me and Chulsoon wanted out. We had everything planned. We would get yoongis family and my family and leave. Run away, maybe head for the States. But then one day, Chulsoon went home to visit yoongi, as he always did on Sundays. Yoongi walked in with a black eye and a busted lip. He wouldn't talk or tell us what happened. Chulsoon was enraged. He went straight to the pack house and lost it with head Alpha.
Two days later, Chulsoon went missing. We searched everywhere, alpha said he ran off in anger after the yoongi incident. We found him eventually, face down in the river."

Jungkook sat frozen. His initial anger from hearing about his hurt mate was soon replaced with shock.

"Namjoon, im so sorry yous went through that" Jungkook didn't know what else to say.

"I left eventually, came here for Jin. Never looked back. My poor cousin was left alone, because of me being a coward." Namjoon hung his head low.
Jungkook took a moment to wrap his head around everything, it's was only then did he realise his hyung shaking.

"I was so scared kook, chu was my best friend. My fellow knight. He was so young... what if I was next..?"

Jungkook stared at his friend. Ever since he arrived Namjoon quickly was loved in the pack. He was so helpful and kind, not to mention how smart he was, soon earning his position on the Alphas council.

"That's okay. Of course you were scared, I would have been too. I understand you leaving that pack. You were desperate for love joon, and I can understand that after receiving it here, that you'd never turn back. No man in his right mind would." Jungkook stood and placed his hand on Namjoons shoulder.
The latter in turn raised his head to meet Jungkook.

"I'm sorry, I tried to protect him..."!the broken alpha croaks.

Jungkook simply responded, "I know"
And those two simple words made it okay.
Maybe Namjoon could finally open up, and begin to forgive himself.
After he did one thing first

After a moment of silence, and Namjoon had calmed down a bit, Namjoon began to chuckle.

"Something funny?" Jungkook quirked a brow.

"Just remembered something..."

Jungkook turned in his seat, gesturing for Namjoon to continue.

"When we were pups, me, Chulsoon and Yoongi always hung out together on Sundays, that was the day yoongi visited home, and we would play kings and knights" joon laughed at how simple life was back then, "Yoongi was the prince, trapped in the tower, me and Chu were the brave knights that saved him."

Jungkook smiled, imagining a small yoongi, wearing a plastic crown, playing the part of a trapped prince.

"One day we were playing, me and Chu had just saved his majesty and we celebrated, when yoongi suddenly declared he was no longer a prince, and that he wanted to be a king. I of course laughed as the stupid kid I was, and told him he couldn't be a king without a mate. Chu in turn got flustered, stating that he'd be the judge of any mate that came near his dear brother. All the while yoongis sitting in the background trying to find a solution, when suddenly he yelled at the top of his lungs, "Fine if I can't be a king, I'll be a queen!""

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