Winter Spider Part 5

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A/N I have two ideas for the ending but IDK which one to write so I'm letting you pick. But I don't want to tell you what is going to happen so please comment either 1 or 2. Thanks. Also still a request. Second to last part in this one shot.
"Dad!" A teen yelled.
"Hey Underoos," the older man said. The two hugged then got interrupted by a red head.
"Tony!" She exclaimed angrily.
"You stole my Knife!" Tony face goes pale and Peter laughs.
"It's ok Auntie Tasha. I took it because There was a dent on it. Sorry I forgot to tell you!" 'Auntie Tasha' smiles and pulls the teen into a hug.
I sit up in bed. Dad? Tony? Auntie Tasha? Underoos? Master? Names swarm in my head. Confusion. I look around the school. I need to see if I look like the boy in my dreams. I turn on the light switch and the room is darkly light. I go over to the toilet and look in the water. Staring back at me is haunted and cold brown eyes and curly hair. The boy from my dreams. I am Peter. Tony is my Dad. And Auntie Tasha is my Aunt. But Underoos? Why did he call me that? I shake my head and turn the lights back off. Then I gasp. Master almost killed my dad. I saved him. He took me. Master is Evil. A sickly feeling arises in my stomach and I run over to the toilet throw up what little is in my stomach. I have been killing innocent people, worshipping evil. I fall back onto my butt. I need to get away. Tomorrow. On the mission. Tears run down my cheeks, I killed a mother, made two children suffer. I am evil.
My cell door opens and I scramble to my feet and bow my head.
"Winter Spider, this is your last chance to succeed without any failure what so ever. If you don't, there will be lethal punishments."
"Yes, Master." I says while thinking, I will not kill another. I would rather die. Master shoved another uniform in my hand and I once again make the mistake of looking up and meeting his eyes. He grabs my hair and pushes me against the wall. I drop the uniform. Pain. He takes out his knife. Pain. He puts it on my skin. Pain. I want my dad. It's wired, I don't remember a thing about him but yet I feel like I can trust him, and he loves me.
Master leaves the cell and wipes off the blood on his knife and flicks it on the floor. I take off my sleep shirt and look down at my torso. Red cuts are scattered about as well as scars and bruises. I can see my ribs stick out and the nasty burn that spells out 'Hail Hydra'. Even if I get out I will be left with the constant reminder of pain. I take off the rest of my clothes then put on my uniform. I stare at my medal arm in horror. I am supposed to be the Winter Spider. I am supposed to be cold hearted. I was made to kill. But is that really me?
The sudden bright light makes me squint. A tingle goes off in the back of my head. Red. Gold. The suit. I gasp that is my dad. I bow my head and continue to walk forward. I find the target and inch my way closer. Let's hope my plan works. I slowly raise my gun up and glance to my side.
"Stop." I hear a voice call. Dad. I smile under the black mask that covers my mouth. Then all hell breaks loose. The rest of the Avenger emerge from the shadow.
"Peter." One of them says. A man dressed in black with an arrow grabs the target and tells him to leave. Then I see Master coming. Dad raises his face plate and I see anger in his eyes. I left my gun and point it at Clint. Please work.
"Winter Spider, do as I say or you will be punished." The Avengers tense. And look over to me.
"No." I spin my gun and point it at Master.
"I told you if you fail there will be lethal consequences." I pull the trigger. Master falls back and all eyes turn to me. Then Hydra Agents begin to flood the streets. I start shooting, as do the rest. A guy with blonde hair throws a hammer taking out dozens at a time. That's neat. I shoot one after another, my eyes filled with rage. Hydra is evil. Not only did they hurt me but they made me hurt others, which then hurt there friends and family, and so on.
Just because Hydra is evil and I am killing them doesn't make me good though. I still killed for them. I am still evil. I shoot down the last agent then turn to stare wide eyes at my dad and take off my mask. He slides up his face plate. This is my dad. I run forward and hugged him.
"What happened to me?" I say my voice thick.
"I love you Peter." He says ignoring my question.
"I love you too dad." Soon the rest of the Avenger surrounded me in a hug. I felt loved. I may not know who all of them are but that's ok. I will remember soon enough.
I am back home. But that doesn't mean everything is all shits and giggles. I am scared. I live I fear. I have yet to show my family the scars and share with them what I am starting to remember. I walk into the living room wearing a t shirt and lounge pants. I finally got most of my memories back. Even Hydra ones. The evil ones. I sit on the couch next to my dad and Steve. They are talking about something and I zone off.
Pain. Burning. Slicing. Coldness. Darkness. Evil. I gasp.
"What's wrong kid?" Dad asks looking over at me. I inhale a sharp breath.
"Um. Ok. So I know you know I didn't tell you everything about Hydra, but I feel like I need to, and I want to." Bucky, as well as everyone else tenses. I take another breath. "I stayed in a dark cell. The man I killed, Master, wiped my memory. I parts of it back from two dreams. It was a painful process. But right after I got kid napped he came into my cell and he began to cut me with this one knife he always had on him." I take a deep breath and let the tears fall down my face. Dad rubs my back, "he then took me to this room and handcuffed me to a chair. He cut me some more, then burned me. After that he put me into a very very cold tank of water. Next he injected me with this stuff. It was wired. It knocked me out, but I could still feel and hear everything. He kept saying 'it's for your own good' then he cut off my arm and put on the medal one," I pause and sniffle,"If was so painful. And I couldn't scream or yell or pass out front he pain. And one time I did scream he cut me more. He demanded me not to look him in the eye, not to scream. Only speak or act when told. He would punish me if I did things as simple as knock more than once or sit down before I was allowed.
On a mission, if wasn't quick enough, or talked, he would punish me," I shiver and wipe my tears, "by that I mean cut me and put me in cold water. He kept telling m-me 'I-It's f-for your o-own good.' I had to call him master. It was painful. Lonely. Dark. I was constant fear. He hardly fed me. In thought Hydra was good. Avengers where evil." I sob then stand up. "W-when I said burn I-I meant..." my voice cracked and I took off my shirt revealing the scars and 'Hail Hydra' burned into me. The room gasps. I fall into my dads lap and hug him close to me while sobbing. His wet tears fall onto my skin and I sniffle. Soon we are all hugging again.
I want to say I will be ok some day. But that's not the truth. There will always be a haunted look in my eyes. And nightmares will plague my mind. I am broken. I will never be 'ok'. But hopefully I will get better. And I know my family will help me every step of the way.

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