Team Bonding Part 3

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Peter stretched his arms out and looked out at the room, Clint, and Bucky where sound asleep, but Steve's bed was empty. Peter sighed knowing today is the last day of bonding week, and he is going to have to go back to school tomorrow. But he also couldn't wait for the day, instead of training the group was going to play games all day, dodge ball tournaments, capture the flag, etc. During the week Peter had gone out patrolling with Clint at nights, together they where able to stop twice as much crime, but it was sometimes hard for Clint to move at the same speed as Peter. But they managed. Peter groaned and stepped out of bed, his feet meeting the soft and fluffy carpet.

When he reached the living room he saw Steve reading a news paper, like the old grandpa he is, and Natasha watching the news while sipping coffee.

"Hey guys." Peter says grabbing a piece of toast and sitting down on the floor leaning against the couch.

"What are we all doing today,"

"We are doing tournaments, dodgeball, capture the flag, and then an arm wrestling tournament. What ever team wins, so the Blind Assassins," Steve says earning a chuckle from Peter and an eye roll from Natasha, "gets to choose the dinner, and after we will probably watch a movie." Tony enters the room and heads right towards the coffee then sits on the couch.

"Sleep good, Pete?" Peter nods and takes the last bite of his toast.


There is a line of dodge balls set in a line, first game is The Worthy vs. Blind Assassins.

"Ok, on you marks, get set, go!" Natasha yells. Peter runs forward and grabs four balls. His spidey sense tingles and Peter jumps to the right, the ball missing him. Peter runs back a little bit then throws the ball at Tony. It misses and Tony smirks. Clint throws a ball which hits Thor in the stomach. He is out. Scott aims a ball at Bucky, who just barely dodges it. As Natasha is throwing Peter fires a ball right at her, but Scott is able to dodge it. Tony throws a ball, and surprisingly it hits Steve in the arm. Tony getting cocky, throws a ball at Peter, but Peter being to fast catches the ball. Tony is out. On the other side, Sam, and Scott. Peter and Clint are left on the other team. The people who aren't playing are cheering both sides on. While Scott turns around to grab a ball, Peter hurls one at him, hitting his back. Clint throws a ball at Sam, but he catches it. Now it's just Sam and Peter. All of the balls are on Sam's side, to Peter misfortune. Sam throws ball after ball at Peter, but thanks to his spidey sense he is able to flip and move out of the way. Once all of the balls are back on his side, Peter smirks and grabs two. He throws one at his face then moments later one at his feet. The first one collides with his face and the other hits his knees. The Blind Assassins run out out to high five Peter.

"Good Job!"

"Alright, now it's The Blind Assassins vs. Orange Lightning. Vision you may not disappear, because Peter can't use his webs. Ready, Set, Go!" Scott yells. Both teams rush towards the line of balls, and each person manages to grab one. Is Bruce is leaning over to get a ball, Peter throws it at him, effectively bouncing off his back. Natasha throws a ball, hitting Clint in the side, he pouts and stomps off the matt mock, angrily. Next, Vision throws a ball at Bucky, luckily Bucky dodges. Peter then hurls a ball at vision, and it hits his leg. Wanda throws a ball at Pet while he is focussing on Nat, and his Spidey sense warns him to late. He stomps off and joins Clint on the side. Steve throws a ball witch hits, Wanda, but Natasha quickly throws one back that hits Steve, as Natasha is throwing a ball at Steve, while that is happening Bucky throws the ball which hits Natasha. Blind Assassins win!

"GOOD JOB BUCKY!" Clint and Peter screech at the same time, while Steve pats him on the back.


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