"Hi Joi! how are you?"

"I'm good."

"Hey." Shawn said as he hugged Crystal.

"Hi." She said as she smiled.

"Who's that?" Joi asked as she pointed to the little boy standing beside Crystal.

"Joi, what did I tell you about pointing?"

"Sorry daddy."

I giggled. "This is my son Tyler." She said as she put Joi down and bent down to meet her sons height. "Ty.. this is Joi and her dad Shawn. Say hi."

He waved and bashfully laid his head on her shoulder. She giggled. "He's a little shy."

"How old is he?" Joi asked.

"He's 5.. Like you."

"Really? Tyler! do you wanna be my friend?" Joi asked.

"Sure." He whispered.

"Come on. Let's go play." She said as she grabbed his hand. They ran off to the playground with each other. Crystal smiled as she watched them. Shawn cleared his throat. "Do you wanna sit down?"

"Um, yeah okay." She said as she sat. "So.. how have you been since the last time I saw you guys?"

I chuckled. "That was only yesterday.. but we've been fine. How about you?"

I giggled. "Right.. and I've been good. He got bored.. so I just decided to bring him here instead of going some place far." She said referring to Ty.

"I didn't know you had a son."

"Yeah.. he's my one and only. I wanna have another child.. because I don't want him to get lonely.. but I don't know."

"Not to be.. all up in your business or tell you what to do.. but .. why don't you and your boyfriend or.. husband talk about that?"

I sighed. "I've been divorced for 3 years already. I started seeing someone new a little while after.. but it didn't go too good. I've tried and tried and tried to find someone better.. but it seemed as if everybody was the same. So.. I just gave up." Crystal said.

"I'm sorry to hear that.. but, even though everyone seemed to be the same as your husband.. doesn't mean there's not anyone else out there for you. You can't just give up on yourself like that.. Fight for what you love. And if you feel like nothing is really working.. then that's when you give up."

"Yeah that's true.. but I mean.. I'm a great person! I've never cheated, I'm never rude or disrespectful, never hateful.. none of that! I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Sometimes I wonder why these things happen to me. You know?"

"Yeah.. I understand. But Crystal, everything happens for a reason. You can't blame this stuff on yourself. You're a very beautiful woman. inside and out. I don't know what those men were thinking. But anyone who let you go was crazy! you have to have faith and believe that God will make a way. To be honest.. from my perspective.. it seems like you're doing a hell of a good job with Tyler by yourself. The way you carry yourself is incredible. Don't let any man change you. ever." Shawn said.

Crystal smiled as she stared Shawn in his eyes. She wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him tight. His hands fell around her waist and she kissed his cheek when they pulled away.

"You're a great man Shawn. Thank you for those words of encouragement. I really appreciate it."

"It no problem. I just hate to see a woman walking around sad and miserable. No woman deserves to be treated like that."

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