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"But Tae..."

"Stop being so noisy!"

"Tae!" Jin protested one last time before his lips were captured in a tender kiss. Jin didn't refuse. He slid his hand to Tae's, now fully black, hair. Letting the soft locks get in between his fingers as he gently pulled from them. He leaned his head to the left and allowed Tae to kiss him a bit deeper, to guide him through the movements as he slowly followed the motions with his own lips. His heart raced and his feet felt cold. Jin was sure he had never felt so alive and so in love than whenever Taehyung kissed him.

However, this was not the time or the place to do so. Right in the BigHit building, hidden behind a white wall while the music of their new title track echoed through the speakers of the rehearsal room. The situation was potentially dangerous. Jin slowly ceased to kiss back, internally struggling because he didn't want to stop. Tae giggled as he separated his face from Jin's. Giving the older's lips a quick peck before speaking. "Let's go" he said, taking Jin's hand in his own as they walked back towards the rehearse room. Being as passionate as he always was, Tae gave a kiss to the back of Jin's hand before freeing him and going into the place where the other members and some other people were.

Jin walked behind Tae, looking with amusement how the atmosphere changed within the group. Now, that everyone knew about both Yoongi's and Hoseok's relationships with Jungkook and Jimin respectively, their need to hide was far gone. That is why back in dorm, Kookie would always be found in Yoongi's embrace and Jimin and Hobi would always be together. Whether at plain sight or in more private spaces, the two couples were as clingy as they could be when they knew no one was watching. Now, however, as they practiced for the next comeback inside of a room with several staff members and possibly one or more of them filming, they were all gracefully apart as if nothing happened. Every now and then exchanging some glances and stares or taking little steps towards one another.

Jin chuckled at the situation, not far from relating to them. Except for one thing. He still needed to hide with Tae. No one but Hoseok knew about them and he was not sure if the rest would ever know. Being honest, he had not had the chance to talk about that topic with Taehyung. Ever since the break period was over, they had gotten really busy. Yoongi's birthday came and they celebrated together before he and Kookie went to 'produce a song' into the Genius Lab. Seokjin'd rather ignore what really happened in there. Then, he lost a bit of Tae's attention for about a week. The younger one was really focused on the intro song Namjoon had written for him. Sometimes, Jin would stay outside one of their producer's studios just to hear Tae sing. He fell in love a bit more with every note that left V's mouth. He loved to hear him sing. It was soothing and comforting. Not only to him but to his soul as well.

Then, the group was set to record the new title track. It was a complex song that demanded a lot from all of them. Jin specially, since for the first time in a good while, he had been given a part of the main chorus. Jin felt intimidated just by knowing that his part was next to Jimin's. Not that he wasn't happy, but following Jimin's flawless vocals was a huge challenge. A challenge that more times than not, was given to Jungkook. He had felt pressured, specially during the several recording sessions, where they all struggled to meet the producers' and mixers' expectations.

Then, there was this week where they were learning choreo for the title song and recording more for the new album. It was busy, hectic even! And they all felt tired. Still, not even under those conditions, had Jin and Taehyung forgotten about one another. They would meet up after dinner every night, just to have little talks or to give each strength for the next days. If not, they'd wash up together in, longer than needed, baths or find a private space where they could show their feelings to each other. Just like they had done a few minutes earlier at the BigHit building they now found themselves in.

Behind The Scenes: Book Three || TaejinOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz