II: Fever

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Despite wanting to, Jin hadn't told Tae what was making him upset that night. He had, however, listened to V's troubles. The younger seemed to be concerned about their upcoming performance at the SBS Gayo Dajeun. It turned out that Tae had planned on going home to visit his family on Christmas. The problem was that the SBS event would take place exactly on Christmas day and he felt bad that he would not be able to see his family for the holidays this year either. Jin understood that perfectly, he had been away from his family for a good time as well and even though he was living his dream, there were times he wished he could see his mom, dad and brothers more often. 

He had comforted Tae by telling him that Bangtan was his family, to which V had not disagreed. After a nice talk, Jin had asked the younger to try to fall asleep. But somehow V, didn't seem to be tired. He had moved for about an hour trying to find a comfortable position to rest without success. "Is there something else bothering you, V- shi?" Seokjin had asked but the younger had just moved his head from side to side, gesturing that he was fine. Nevertheless, Jin noticed the problem when he backhugged the younger, spooning him. Normally, Tae would be very welcoming of those love showings. But this time, he had flinched as soon as Jin set his hand around the younger's waist.

Seokjin didn't really care at first and just tried to fall asleep. However, his slumber was interrupted when he noticed that V's body was unsually warm. He lifted himself up and watched the younger as he desperately tried to fall asleep, but completely failing at his task. He placed the palm of his hand on V's forehead and just as expected, his dongsaeng was almost burning.

Seokjin quickly stood up and headed towards the dorm's main bathroom to look for medicine. They had everything they could need in there. After all, they had grown used to getting sick since their trainee days. With time they had learned that tight schedules, little sleep and few meals had tons of bad consequences. There wasn't a single one of them who hadn't fallen victim of stress a time or twenty.

He picked some pills from the emergency kit and walked towards the kitchen to get some water. Given that Tae had a fever, Jin was sure that he would be really thirsty. He picked one of the bottles from the fridge and a pack of frozen beans to help his body temperature go down. When he returned to Joon's and Tae's bedroom, he found RM to be deeply asleep while Tae was still moving his legs and arms in an effort to fall asleep. He looked like a child. Even if he was sick, the sight was cute enough to make Jin smile. Jin sat next to his dongsaeng and gently pulled him to be seated as well. "Here, take this, Taehyung-shi" he spoke silently as he placed the pills in between Tae's lips. He brought the bottle of water to the younger's burning lips and carefully helped him drink the cold liquid.

It was then that Tae turned his face around and locked his eyes on Jin. The room was dark except for one little reading light Jin had turned on before leaving for the bathroom. Apparently not really caring about the darkness, V would not drop his gaze from Jin's face. "You're so beautiful" the younger spoke making Jin chuckle. "I know, I know" he answered with a little smile. "You're really beautiful" Tae said again, this time making Jin blush. Yes of course he knows he is beautiful. But it was a little awkward to hear it from his dongsaeng. "Thank you, V- shi. Now try to sleep" Seokjin adviced, gently pushing the younger down to rest on his pillow again. "You're so beautiful, Kookie. I love you" Tae said taking Jin completely by surprise. Oh! He thought I was Jungkook! Jin's mind made him realize. He smiled thinking that it was really cute for V to express his brotherly love for the maknae. "I love you, Kookie" Tae repeated making Jin chuckle and display a tender smile. "I'm sure Jungkookie loves you too, Taetae" the older responded pressing the bag of frozen beans against V's forehead.

Tae flinched at the cold touch but didn't move away. Honestly, Jin could not count how many times he had to be his dongsaengs' doctor. He loved to take care of them, not only because he felt that it was his responsibility as the oldest one but also because Jin loved his six members to the moon and back. Specially Namjoon who had won a special place in Jin's heart that he didn't even know existed. It was like his heart throbbed for the leader.

He turned to look at V who now seemed to have fallen asleep. However, as Jin slid under the duvet next to him, Tae's eyes went wide open again. "Try to sleep" Jin spoke softly as he stroked V's hair. "Jungkook- ah" Taehyung called again. Seokjin just sighed. He knew that he was physically similar to Jungkookie. Specially with the haircut they were both wearing. Still, it felt somewhat weird to be called by the maknae's name. "I love you" Tae said, turning his gaze towards Jin's direction. "I love you too" Jin answered truthfully. He knew V was expecting that from Kookie, but Jin himself loved Taehyung as well. He was his bandmate after all, how could he not love him?

"You do?" Tae asked using a bit of a high pitch voice with his eyes turning even wider. "Yes, of course" Jin replied in a quiet voice. "No, no! You, Kookie...you love Suga- hyung. Not me!" the younger worded out, this time making Jin not only surprised but really confused. "I've seen you, Kookie! You are in love with him. You don't love me" Tae went on, adopting a very unsettling expression that looked like he was in the verge of tears. That's when realization suddenly hit Jin. The kind of love Tae was now expressing for Bangtan's youngest member was not that of teammates or brothers, it was a romantic kind of love. Jin didn't even know how to react. Did Taehyung know that Jungkook and Yoongi were already dating? Probably not since Namjoon had apparently been the first one to find out and he had only told Seokjin. "I love you, Jungkookie" Tae said once again as Jin removed the pack of cold beans from the younger's forehead. This time, Jin didn't find the strength to reply. He knew that if Tae had feelings for Jungkook, his heart would soon be broken and that truth was really saddening for Seokjin.

He moved closer to the younger and cuddled him, it seemed like his temperature had dropped a little. He was sure that Tae would be feeling better in the morning, but right now, the two of them needed to sleep. He pressed the younger's head to rest on his shoulder and hugged him, gently stroking his back with circular motions. The soft gestures seemed to be very relaxing for Tae, who lost no time hugging the older's waist. Jin stretched his arm and turn off the reading lamp trying to provide a more comfortable atmosphere for his feverish dongsaeng to sleep. "Jungkookie, I love you" the younger spoke, a bit more quietly this time. Jin wasn't sure if he should answer but assuming that V would not be able to remember anything the next morning, he decided to speak again "I love you too" he said in a whispering voice. "Prove it" Tae replied huskily, making the older quiver as he felt V's hand sliding all the way from his waist down to the very center of his body.

Behind The Scenes: Book Three || TaejinΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα