VI: Fun

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Probably one of the best kisses he has ever had. That was exactly what crossed Seokjin's mind as he continued kissing Taehyung. He couldn't even tell how long they had been involved in the passionate activity. Truth was, they had needed to stop twice already to get some air, but that hadn't stop them from returning to each other's lips. It was somehow impossible to hold back. Jin found Tae's kisses to be addicting, if you could get addicted to something that fast. He would like to blame the drinks he had had at the After Party but he had not drunk that much and he was not dizzy at all. He was just lost in the movements of Tae's lips.

"Jin- hyung" Taehyung worded out in between the kiss. Seokjin didn't answer, not only because his lips were otherwise engaged but also because hearing his name being called like that, had been quite exciting, to say the least. V gave Jin's lips a few more fast kisses before separating. Both of them looking into each other's eyes with blank but desiring expressions.

None of them dared to say a word before Tae stood up from the couch and extended his hand to help Jin stand as well. Seokjin hesitantly took the younger's hand, immediately interlacing their fingers like it was the most natural thing to do. It was a little strange. Jin followed V as he drove him outside the living room making sure to turn all the lights off. The dorm was in complete silence with only their steps being heard.

"Where's Suga- hyung?" Tae asked with a whisper, almost breaking the quiet peace of the place. "Asleep" Jin answered really fast. Thinking that a quick answer was the best way for Tae not to suspect anything. Of course, it was true that Suga was asleep but he was not alone and that was exactly what Jin didn't want V to know. "Alright. Let's go" Tae spoke pulling Jin's hand again. They passed by Namjoon's studio which made Jin a little sad. He hoped that Joonie was having fun with the guys from Got7. He was sure they would treat him kindly but, even if he was not in speaking terms with Yoongi and Jungkook, Jin knew that the leader would miss them. Specially on Christmas.

He gave a little sigh as V so casually opened the door of his and Namjoon's shared room. Jin didn't hesistate to follow the younger inside, naively thinking that they would just talk or watch YouTube vids. Forget about the episode they had just experienced in the living room and probably dismiss it as a trip caused by their hormones. Just like they had done with the Blanket Kick kiss. Naturally, Jin didn't expect to be pinched against the door as soon as it closed with Tae's hungry lips landing again on his own. Jin followed the kiss but he was not really comfortable anymore and that was because they were in Taehyung's bedroom which made Jin hyper conscious of everything. Starting from the kiss they were sharing to V's mischievous hands that once again had found their way under his silky pajama shirt.

"No" Jin managed to speak. "No, V! Wait!" He said succesfully ending their kiss. Tae looked at him with a questioning expression. Asking with his eyes for Jin to explain why he had interrupted their steamy moment. "Are you mad? We can't do this!" Seokjin protested with a low but harsh tone. "You were following, hyung" Tae replied lifting an eyebrow. "I- I don't. I mean kisses are fine but nothing else!" Jin said feeling quite flustered. "We were just kissing! You were expecting something else?" Tae asked leaving Seokjin almost defenseless. "Just kissing?! You were sliding your hands all over under my shirt!" Seokjin retaliated in a high pitch tone. "You seemed to like it, though" Tae attacked with a flirty smile. Jin could feel his cheeks getting red. It was great that nothing but a dim night lamp was illuminating the room.

"I'm going to sleep" Jin announced, thinking that it was better to leave before he got even more shy. However, as he was about to take a step away from V, a hand grabbed his wrist. "Are you sure that's what you want, hyung?" Tae asked, his voice so swift, it softly caressed Jin's reddened face. Jin never knew Tae could be so seductive.

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