XXII: A Lot to Think About

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The night became quieter as doors got closed and lights went off. Everyone seemed to be ready to go sleep after what had been a really tiring but exiciting night. Everyone but Hobi, Tae and Jin who were now awkwardly walking towards the *Hope World. It didn't take a genius to know what Hoseok wanted to talk about and Jin was already feeling uncomfortable about it. Very unfomcortable, if he was honest. Still, somehow, this was better. He did want to know what went on Hoseok's mind instead of always doubting about it. If he was to confront Hoseok, he was very much ready to do so. Especially if Taehyung was by his side. He felt secure.

The three men entered the dark place, Tae losing no time in turning the dim lights on. He then took a seat on the couch gesturing for Jin to sit next to him. Hobi closed and locked the door, seeing the pair looking at him with killing glares. In full honesty, Hoseok found it funny. It was not like he was going to murder any of them. "Guys" he started, taking a seat in his big chair and turning to face them. "I said I would try not to intervene into your private matters but today I feel a bit pushed to do so" he spoke softly. Trying really hard for his two members to relax a little. He did not want the conversation to be this tense.

"First of all, let me clear something up for you" Hoseok said "I am not your enemy so stop that tough attitude you two have right now! It doesn't even suit with your cute faces" he went on. His smile showing brightly. Successfully making Jin and Tae adopt a less defensive posture. "What do you need to tell us, Hobi- ah?" Jin asked, he might be feeling a little bit more relaxed but he was definitely not completely comfortable yet. "Today, you guys were acting too loosely without realizing that there were fans filming us even when we were not on the spotlight" Hoseok spoke, a bit more serious now. "Whatever you choose to do with your personal lives, is up to you and you only, though I'd like you both to realize what consequences your actions could bring" he continued, not speaking harshly but not using a tender tone either. This was a rather serious matter that needed to be adressed in a good and mature way.

"You mean, we as a group?" Tae inquired, thinking of all the issues Namjoon had talked about back at the last meeting. "Well, that too! But more importantly we as people" Hoseok replied "Not as a music group but as a group of friends" he explained taking both Tae and Jin a little by surprise. This was not really the kind of conversation they were expecting. "As a music group, yea, if it was discovered, we would have a really big problem in our hands and the company might be able to deny it but we would still be in trouble nonetheless" Hoseok said, his hands interlacing on his lap. "What I am mostly worried about is not that though, is what'll do to us if discovered here. Within the group" he continued, now gaining the full interest of the pair, specially Jin's.

"I am not going to snitch on you...like you did to Jungkook, hyung" Hoseok spoke, turning a serious look towards Jin. "I'm sorry" Jin instantly apologized right from his heart. Whether he felt empowered or not, he had to admit that it had not been appropiate to spill his dongsaengs' secret like that, even if it was to Kookie. "Don't worry about it. It's done. Anyhow, what I mean is that, I don't think you have considered what this relationship of yours could do to you and to us as a group" Hobi went on. "If you are going by the laws of no strings attached and we owe each other nothing because we are not together, things could get ugly" he said, making both Jin and Taehyung feel rather thoughtful. Sure they never considered this, in fact, they had not considered a single consequence. They just needed someone there and found each other.

"Have you guys ever thought about how or when will you stop what you are doing? Will it even end someday? And if it doesn't, how is it going to be when one of you gets into a serious relationship?" Hoseok asked, his temple resting on his fist as he looked to Tae and Jin with expectation. Needless to say, the pair didn't have an answer.

Why stop it? Was the first thing that crossed Taehyung's mind, but he understood better when Hoseok mentioned a 'serious relationship'. Of course if one of them found somebody, they would have to stop their therapy for good. Taehyung's heart shrinked at the idea. He didn't want Jin to find someone else. He, himself, didn't want to find someone else. He knew he wanted Seokjin, he wanted to be with him but the problem was that he didn't know if Jin felt the same.

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