XXV: It's Definitely You

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Three weeks and two days. That's how long it had been since Seokjin last saw Taehyung back at their dorm. Now, as he traveled back to Seoul before the month headline they had been given to rest, Jin was feeling nervous and really troubled. Breaking up with Taehyung had been the hardest decision he had ever made and for the last few weeks that he had spent not even knowing if his dongsaeng was alright, everything his mind could process was the image of Taehyung.

The last time he saw him, Tae had gone looking for him in the middle of the night. With teary eyes and a wavering voice, the younger one had asked for Jin to let him stay by his side. Seokjin had obviously agreed. He had hated to see Taehyung upset. He could not forgive himself for being the cause of it. That night, he had hugged and nurtured Tae until he peacefully fell asleep in his arms. Jin, however, had not slept at all. He stayed awake for the rest of the night making sure that Tae rested. He stroked Tae's hair, covered his shoulders with the duvet when needed, lowered the pajama shirt that would would lift itself when the sweet vocalist moved and caressed his cheek or kissed his forehead whenever it looked like he was having a bad dream.

That night, right after he gave Tae a little peck on his hair and the younger responded by pulling him closer, a tear had escaped Jin's eye. It was not the sea of tears he had cried the previous day and it was not the hardest he had ever cried but that one had been the bitterest tear to ever roll down his face. It was filled with pain, guilt and regret. Not over what had happened between him and Taehyung. Not even over the fact that they had broken up. It was something different.

That night as a single tear polluted his soft cheek, Seokjin finally realized that he loved Taehyung. Loved him in a way he had not thought possible and had tried to push away. He loved like he shouldn't. He loved him with every cell in his body and with every bit of what was left of his broken heart. Unfortunately, that realization had come too late. There was nothing else to do and nothing had ever made Seokjin feel so foolish.

Now, he would be spending the remaining ten days of break with Taehyung due to a working opportunity. The rest of the members were still away, even Yoongi who had initially said that he would not leave Seoul. Being honest, Jin was not really looking forward to it. He was sure these ten days would be tense and uncomfortable.

A thought that didn't really materialize when he entered the dorm. The place felt really empty and the lights were mostly off. Except for the dim one coming out of the kitchen where Taehyung tried his hardest to cook something. Seokjin walked up to him, aware that Tae knew of his presence. "Hi Taetae" Jin greeted approaching the younger, who turned to look at him with a soft smile. "Hi hyung. Did you enjoy your break?" He asked, his voice light and joyful like Jin always knew it to be. "Yes! I slept a lot. How about you? Did you have fun?" Seokjin inquired, seeing as Tae nodded with a closed lips smile. He was so cute. Jin wished he could kiss him right now.

"Are you hungry? Do you want me to cook something for you?" Jin offered, seeing as Tae struggled to cut some fresh fruit. Taehyung nodded again. His smile dropping. "I'm sorry to bother you" he said, taking his own hands into a firm grip. "You are never a bother to me, Taehyung- ssi. Go take a shower while I make some dinner for us" he instructed tenderly. "Yes, hyung" Tae replied, exiting the kitchen and heading towards his bedroom. No more words said. Jin stood in place sighing. He was glad that Tae didn't seem to be to upset at him but something about it felt odd and Jin knew what it was. None of them were being honest to each other. They were just acting normal.

Seokjin cooked in unsual silence. Normally, when he prepares dinner, Kookie and Joon would always show up to get a little taste. Hobi and Yoongi would usually show up as well either to ask what he was cooking or to tell him to add something else to the plate. As for more recently, Taehyung would go see him as well. He usually asked for a taste of the meal, but in the latest months, he would also manage to send some looks or flirty smiles in Jin's direction. Not to mention that one time the younger had literally grabbed his behind making Jin take a little jump. It had been funny.

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