IV: Afraid of Heights

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Most people spend Christmas day buying gifts for their loved ones, cooking for the family dinner or just relaxing at home, enjoying the holidays. However, that was not the case for Bangtan who were currently getting dressed and prepared for the red carpet and the interviews at the SBS Gayo Dajeun. Their staff was there with them as well, making sure that they had everything they needed. The clothes selected for them had been carefully picked, the jackets and sweaters were brand new and almost custom made. As Jin took a seat to get his hair and make up done, he looked at Tae over the mirror. The younger was sitting as the stylists so carefully worked with his hair. Seokjin has always known that Tae usually wore a cold, blank expression. That was no mystery, but today under the white lights, he looked a bit sad. Maybe dissapointed.

That's when Jin remembered Tae had told him he had planned on visiting his family for the holidays this year. Unfortunately, they wouldn't have any vacations until February and Tae's hometown was really far from Seoul. It made Jin feel a little sad as well. He would've liked to go to his parents too, but a part of living this life he had chosen was to make those kind of sacrifices, although most of the time, they didn't really have a second option. There was nothing to choose from. Work always came first. Still, it was not that bad. Spending the holidays with Bangtan and their fans was amazing as well. Not to mention that in an event as big as this one, every other idol in the venue could understand exactly how they felt. He could hear laughs coming from the dressing room next to theirs, whichever group was in that room seemed to be having a lot of fun. Seokjin would like to say that it was the same with his own members, but it was not exactly like that.

They were being filmed right now, surely for a *Bangtan Bomb, not to mention that a lot of their crew and staff were in the dressing room with them. It was simple, unless the seven of them were completely by themseleves, no inner conflict was to appear. Specially not in front of a camera. It was not something they had decided or something they had talked through. It was a sort of untold rule that whatever happened in their home was absolutely private. Still, some hints of those could be seen. It was obvious that Joon was not really interacting with Yoongi or Jungkook. Jin had started to wonder if the other members have already noticed that there was a growing tension between the three. Naturally, the smiles and the quick glances Suga and Kookie shared were also there. Even if Namjoon didn't like it, Seokjin could not deny that those made him smile. Just as he had thought, Jungkook seemed as happy as he could ever be! It was heart warming.

His situation, on the other hand, was a little bit more complicated. Namjoon had been pretty clear about how he felt about Suga and Kookie and he had been really clear expressing that he was against any sort of romantic relationship between them. Jin sighed. It was quite a let down. Maybe he could make the leader's opinion change, but if he was honest, if Joon harbored even the slightiest romantic feeling towards him, he wouldn't have talked that way. Seokjin was a practical person, there was no room for hesitation when the leader had been so clear about his thoughts. At this point, the best solution for Jin was moving on.

A solution that brought his eyes back to his beloved dongsaeng, whose hair had been completely done and he looked stunning. Even with his sad face, Taehyung was incredibly beautiful. The way his silky hair dropped on his smooth, sun- kissed skin was gorgeous. Those feline eyes so gracefully covered with color contacts and the soft glow of the lipstick in his lips. Not to mention how attractive he looked with those warm but elegant clothes. Taheyung had a blessed appearance that made even Seokjin self conscious. "Why are you eyeing Tae like that?" Jimin asked as he took a seat next to Jin, ready for his hair and make up to he done. Jin instantly flinched. "I'm not!" He defended with a high pitch tone. "Yes you were! I saw you!" Jimin teased making one of the hair stylists laugh. Jimin chuckled and dismissed the conversation. He was not going to expose his hyung like that here. Specially when they were being filmed.

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