After Yoongi left your room, you shut and locked the door.

You went to your desk and opened the drawer. There were only two notebooks. One labeled "Yoongi" that had white and mint stripes, and the other labeled "Seju" with black and white stripes.

You began this when you were a child. When you were close to a boy, you would write about them in case you grew up and you were together. But they were all forgotten and lost.

Except Yoongi's. You've had Yoongi's since you began talking when you were in Kindergarten. He has always been your best friend. And after high school, you stopped writing about every boy you talked to and met.

But then after a while, you met Seju. He was beautiful, and the moment you made eye contact, you fell for him hard. You just had to write about him. But you two broke up. Which meant it was time for the book to go.

Nobody knew about your boy writings. Not even Yoongi. It's always been a secret with you. But that was about to change.

You took a deep breath and held Seju's book tightly to your chest. You reminisced about all the things you have written about.

You wrote about how you met him, how his eyes sparkled when you saw them, how his lips were so full, you even wrote about your break up.

You felt a tear slide down and you shook your head. "It's time to forget."

You headed down the hall, knocking on all the boys' doors, calling them down to the living room.

They all sat on the couches and you took a seat in a chair across from them.

You set the book slowly onto the coffee table, sliding it toward them. They were all confused.

"When I was a child, I had a fantasy of meeting the perfect boy," you began. "Every time I met a boy and got close, I would get a notebook and write about all of our adventures together. I would write so in detail that it was basically just practice for me. My teachers were so astounded by how good I was at writing." You chuckled a bit.

"I thought this was childish of me after high school, so I stopped. All my past books are lost. But then after college, I met Seju, and I began writing again. Everything we would do together, I wrote it here. I wrote about how we got together, and even how we...broke up."

You nodded and all the boys looked at you. They all understood.

Except Yoongi.

He knew you both met in kindergarten, so where was his book? Did you lose it also?

He stared at you and he grabbed the notebook of Seju's and began reading in his head.

"Dear Seju,
Today I met you at the cafe near my house with the boys. You were beautiful, really. I never realized someone could be so handsome and beautiful. I mean, I live with seven men and they are really beautiful, but they are my friends so that would be awkward. Anyways, we even made eye contact and I for sure felt as if my heart sto-"

Yoongi stopped reading and flipped a few pages.

"Today you asked me out. I was so fucking happy. You make me feel as if I'm the only girl in the world. I'm so happy with yo-"

He stopped again and found the last page written in.

"Why did I tell you I love you? You're evil. I hate you. You can't have my love if you share it with another girl. Now that I think about it, I don't think you ever said it back. That you love me. Am I that pathetic to take a man like you and love you? Maybe I should have listened to Yoongi. Maybe I should have stopped talking to you. Maybe I should have and I could've been with a better man. You even hated Yoongi and the boys only because I lived with them. I should have seen the signs sooner. I could have prevented all of this before anything bad happened. Be happy with that girl. I'll find someone better. Way better than you."

Yoongi looked up at you. Your eyes were stuck looking at the floor and tears were streaming down your cheeks. He slammed the book closed and hugged you.

"I w-want it gone. I h-hate it. I hate h-him."

Yoongi rubbed your back and picked you up, sitting down and pulling you onto his lap.

He held you close, making sure you were safe from all the dangers outside his arms.

You sniffled and put your face into the nape of his neck. "Y-yoongi..."

"Shh. I just need you to calm down for right now, okay?" he asked and you nodded.

"I-I'm sorry Yoongi for not listening..."

"When you told me he was a bad pill to take."

tb to when i used to actually love this story lol

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