Jump City High part four

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Delsin p.o.v

Lunch was something I thought it wasn't gonna be while I was in this hell of a school.....


It was actually fun talking to Dick, Korey and Jinx. They all had their unique traits. Dick was obviously wannabe 'badboy'. He developed that tough guy mentality through the years of sheer utter pain at his house as his mother passed away and his father drinks in sorrow and beats him when he was a few years younger.

A year back, he moved out and lives in a one bedroom apartment. He has a job cleaning tables at restaurant downtown but his girlfriend pitches in every now and then to help him out. Which then brought my thoughts to Korey. Korey is what any normal teenage boy or girl would call the 'rich girl'.

It's true, her family do have a lot of money due to her father and mother are very well known architects. Their business is called 'Tamaran Inc' and their slogan is 'Where passionate people make paradise'. Honestly, I thought it was a little corny buy I didn't say it out loud as with one phone call, Korey and her family will make me and my entire family homeless.

I don't know how but people like Anders have connections. Best not to mess with them. Anyways, She's actually more to her. She is actually very passionate person and very caring too. She's also very protective of her friends, which was why she felt so sad when Rachel was so distant towards her and got sad.

But what really worried me was that was really protective of her friends. Dick shared a story that back then in their pre-teen years, there was a girl in their grade school picking on Rachel and once Korey found out, the person just up and disappeared and no one knew what happened to her.

When I asked Korey what she did, she smirked evilly and said 'well where she is now is very very cold....'. I sighed. I really don't need Korey as an enemy. She'll end me! Then there was Jinx. Now she was a punk. A girl who loves to express herself throw her actions.

She's also a tomboy which honestly meant nothing to me cause Fetch was like that too so it was refreshing to meet someone like her. But surprisingly, Jinx loved photography. She like taking pictures of everything and giving captions. You'd think she was aiming for a job at Instagram or Snapchat but no.

She told me she actually wants to make her own site and post magnificent pictures of stuff around the globe and be one of the most famous photographers. I smiled at her dream. After looking at a couple of her pictures, she's getting close to her dreams.

Anyway back to my point of view, I was just thinking about them on my way to Phys Ed, a little enthusiastic. Let it be known as a regular teen, Gym class was obviously my favorite subject. It's pretty much the inly subject that doesn't require me to sit down all the class and listen to the teacher drone on about stuff.

I just hoped Mr. Drake isn't the closet pervert Phys Ed teacher like he had back at home who's probably dealing with sexual harassment charges for 'accidentally' touching girl's breasts. I chuckled as I entered the gymnasium and awed at the size of it. It was way bigger than the one at home too.

Looking around too, the equipment is also top notch so honestly, while I hated being in a new school, it couldn't be too bad. While I was too busy admiring the gym, someone tapped me on my shoulder. I turned around and faced a man slightly taller than myself. "Hello there. You must be our new student, Delsin right?" the man asked.

I nodded my head. "Well, I'm  Mr. Drake, Your Phys Ed teacher. I hope you'll enjoy yourself here and if you ever need anything, don't be afraid to ask". I nodded and took my way to the male change room when I noticed the school's cheerleading squad. The baddest girls in school all in one group in front of me. Marvellous

Well it would've been if Victor and his goons didn't show up and trip him in front of the girls. "Haha! Walk much?". I growled as everyone laughed at me, even the teacher chuckled. 'Oh....so he's one of the jock supporting teachers.....' I thought.

I got up and glared at Victor. Said jock looked at me and smirked. "Aw look guys he's gonna cry! Aww!". Everyone laughed while I scoffed. "Says the one who teared up when I broke your face in back at the cafe. You tried to act tough but I knew you wanted to cry....".

Sounds of 'oooo' was heard and Victor turned red in anger. "What did you say, loser?! Don't talk big before I make you regret it!". "Victor, relax! Stop it, he's not worth it...." one of the cheerleaders said. I looked at the girl and nearly blushed. Like Victor, she's fairly dark skinned.

She had curly long hair and a figure that mist girls would envy. "Bee..." Victor groaned but the girl wasn't having it. "Just stop and go. Don't you have to Math now....knowing you and your grades, you can't afford to skip". Everyone started chuckling at Victor who blushed in embarrassment.

Victor glared at me and I gave him a look that told him I don't give a flying fuck. "This isn't over....". I rolled my eyes. "Will it ever be?" I said uninterested. Victor was about to say something but the girl called Bee pushed him off. "Go!". He looked at her and sighed and walked off with each of his boys shoulder bumping me.

The cheerleaders disbanded and so was I when I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Hey, you alright?". I turned my head to see that Bee chick. "Yeah, I'm fine. Unfortunately, this isn't my first altercation with him....". Bee smiled slightly. "Yeah I can tell. Honestly, he can be a real prick sometimes. Anyway I'm sorry about that".

I waved it off. "Don't worry about it. You're not the one to be apologizing. Besides, you bailed me out of that one..". She smiled brightly making me blush. "Right. I'm Karen Beecher-Duncan, Team captain of Jump City High's cheerleaders but others call me Bee! Nice to meet you!". I smiled. "Delsin Rowe, nice to meet you too!".

We shook hands firmly. "Well I'd love to talk to you more but I have to get back to the girls. We're working on a new routine for Friday's pep rally.....you coming?". I scratched the back of my head. "Friday's pep rally? I didn't even know there was a pep rally until....well now! I don't know....".

Bee grabbed my hands and begged. "Please? Say you'll come?! It'll be so much fun if you're there. I'll even give you and your friends the best seats in the stadium.....besides, I want the new kid to have the full Jump City High experience!"

I sighed in annoyance. 'Jeez, she's persistent' I thought. "Fine, I'll come. I'll invite my friends and we'll come to the game if their not too busy". She jumped up and down after that and hugged him. "Oh thank you! You made me so happy!". "Yeah but isn't Victor gonna be there?"

Bee looked a little down but perked up. "Yeah he'll be there....I think. But it'll be great having someone there I'll actually know other than my girls". I nodded and stepped back. "Yeah I'll see you on Friday....maybe". She nodded her head and turned to her team to go back to rehearsing.

I smiled lightly but when turned my head I saw Garfield again looking at me with something I couldn't make out. "What?" I said. "Huh....oh nothing it's just that Bee, the most popular girl in school, possibly more popular than Korey Anders, talked to you, the new kid".

I raised my eyebrow at his statement. "And what's that supposed to mean?". He looked at me with adoring eyes which weirded me out. "Teach me your ways!". I smiled lightly at the attention but just patted my hand on his shoulder. "Garfield? Was it?......this type of talent can't just be passed on....no no no no....but I'll do the best that I can. Follow me" I said as we both laughed our way in the change room.

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