A Beanie and the Cape

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Just a normal day in the tower. Cyborg was out with Bee. Beastboy and Terra were in thier room being.... Well Beastboy and Terra. Raven was reading a book in Delsin's arms while Delsin was watching tv on the couch. Robin and Starfire were in the kitchen eating Starfire's homemade cupcakes. It tasted terrible but was the thought that counts. Suddenly, the tv shuts off and Superman and Batman show up on the screen. "Delsin. Raven" Superman greeted us. "Superman! Batman! Whats the emergency!" Raven asked slamming her book shut. "Sorry but this something that doesn't involve you. This mission is classified. Please get Robin" Batman said. Delsin and Raven started walking to the kitchen but Superman spoke up. "No you misunderstand. Delsin, this mission involves you too. Raven could you please go get Robin?". Raven obeyed but was curious about what was so secret about this mission. Raven walked into the kitchen and saw Starfire and Robin making out in the corner of the room. "Ahh! Raven! Have you ever heard of privacy!" Robin yelled. "If you want privacy, go to a private area!" Raven scowled. "Anyway, Superman and Batman are on the Tv screen. they said they want to talk to you and Delsin". Robin went from a sarcastic face to a serious one. He walked into the living room showing no emotion. "Boyfriend Robin...."  Starfire whispered.

Two hours later, Raven and Starfire are in the kitchen waiting for thier boyfriends to return from their meeting. Suddenly, Delsin and Robin return to the kitchen. The two girls shot up from their seats to greet them. "What happened?" Raven asked curious. "Are you two alright?" Starfire asked as well. "We have a classified mission to go on with Superman and Batman. Its top secret so we can't share the details" Robin stated. "But it won't be dangerous right?......right?!" Raven said worried as she looked at Delsin who wouldn't meet her gaze. "It is...." Starfire said tearing up. "Don't cry Star. We'll be back before you know it!" Delsin said. "You better! Cause I'll miss you" Raven said kissing his cheek. "I love you" Raven said. "I love you too Raven" Delsin said. Starfire and Robin were kissing each other goodbye then Robin and Delsin were off.

3 weeks later

Starfire was sleeping in Robin's room, wrapped up in his cape while Raven was in her room,reading a book while wearing one of Delsin's beanies. Raven barely took off the hat because she missed him soo much. She just wanted him to come home. To be in his arms once again. She looked to her right and noticed her tea cup was empty. So she decided to go make some more tea. She put a bookmark on the page where she left off, walked to her door and opened it. As she did, she saw Starfire walking out of Robin's room. "Hey starfire" Raven said running to her. "Oh hello friend Raven. I see you're also going to the kitchen. Star smiles. "Yeah I guess. Walk with me". "Okay friend". Raven noticed Starfire was wearing Robin's cape. "You miss him huh?" Raven asked. "Everyday. But I can tell I'm not the only one" Star said looking at the Beanie on Raven's head. "Yeah, I miss him so much. His beanie makes me feel like he's here with me. right now" Raven said. "Yeah same with me. Wearing one of his capes, it feels like he's at my side at all times" Star said holding the cape. As they reached the commons, Star and Raven noticed the rest of the team was there. Then they looked to the left to see Superman and Batman standing there. "Superman! Batman! You're here! Where's Delsin?!" Raven said excited. "And boyfriend Robin! Is he also the here!" Star added. Superman looked at Batman with a sad look, Batman returned the look. Everyone was looking down at their feet. "What's the matter?" Starfire said worried. Finally, Superman spoke up. "Raven... Kori... I'm sorry. Delsin and Robin were...." Superman paused. "No......no.." Raven said weakly. "They both....died in battle...." Batman finished. Starfire stood there in shock. Tears were forming in her eyes. Raven folded herself in her cloak and cried. "No... This can't be! No...." Starfire mourned for her boyfriend and best friend. "How did....they...?" Raven asked in a raspy voice. "It was a top secret missin, we were up against Slade. He caught Robin in a corner and Delsin ran after him. Slade already stabbed Robin. Robin died instantly but Delsin. He suffered and screamed each time a bullet entered his body. These bullets were special. Made for Superman but were used on Delsin" Batman explained. Raven cried even louder. "Is Slade dead?" Cyborg asked. "No.....but the plans we have for him.....he'll be begging for death" Batman answerd. Raven and Starfire cried thier eyes out. Everyone helped them up and sat them on the couch. They pasted out on the couch together after all the crying.
But as they slept, they slept with their reminders: a beanie and the cape. And every time they squeezed it, cried on it, or if it was even in the same room with them, their deceased lovers would come and brush past them and kiss thier forehead

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