A Normal Person

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An easy battle a the Titans have fought. Control Freak is so easy to beat. Everyone had their beat down on Control Freak now all they have to do is tie him up. "I'll tie him up. It'll be a breeze" Delsin said as he neon sprinted around Control Freak. Suddenly, Control Freak pulled out a remote and zapped Delsin with it. Delsin went flying in the air. Delsin landed in some trash cans. "Delsin!!" Raven screamed his name. "I'm alright guys, I'm alright" Delsin said walking towards the rest of the team. Control Freak tried running away but Robin stopped him by throwing his staff at Control Freak's legs, causing him to lose balance and fall. And Beastboy tied him up and kept him in the corner untill the police shows up. "Well, Control Freak is tied up and is on his way back to jail. Let's go home" Robin said. "Yeah, race ya!" Delsin said trying to neon sprint. But it didn't work. Delsin stopped and wondered what the hell is going on? "Delsin, are you okay? What's wrong?" Cyborg asked. "I... lost my speed" Delsin said. "Well at least I can still fly!" Delsin said trying to fly but that failed as well. "I lost my flight, too! Guys, I'm getting kinda scared! So can someone tell me what the hell is going on here?!" Delsin asked. "My guesses say that the remote control that Control Freak used on you had might have caused you to lose your powers" Cyborg said. "So I'm.... normal?" Delsin asked curiously. "For now yes, we'll go to the police station and get the remote from the evidence room and fix this. Until then, I suggest you lay low for a while" Robin said. A smile spread across Delsin's face. For a day he can finally feel like everybody else . For a day he can feel like he doesn't have to have the weight of the world on his shoulders for a day he can feel..... NORMAL!.

As everyone in the Tower was asleep, Delsin decided to go to Raven's room to see if she's awake. As Delsin walked to her room door, he felt comfortable. He doesn't have to think about hurting anyone with his powers. He can just be himself. As he knocked on Raven's door, he then felt nervous about what he's about to do. Delsin barely felt nervous about anything! He was that chill! 'I guess since l lost my powers, the remote also took my confidence' Delsin thought. The door opened to see a beautiful woman with purple hair standing there. "Hey Delsin, what's up" Raven asked. "Were you sleeping?" Delsin asked. "No. No I wasn't. Come in" Raven said. Delsin walked in feeling butterflies in his stomach. He sat down on the bed and Raven sat beside him. "So how is it like being human?" Raven asked. "It's great. I don't have to worry about anything. And it gives me more things to do" Raven said. "Oh really? Like what?"Raven asked. Delsin leaned in and kisses Raven. Raven kisses back. "Oh I know what you mean" Raven said pushing Delsin on his back. "Whoa! You're really strong. Try not to kill me in the process" Delsin said kissing Raven.

Next morning, Delsin woke up next to Raven naked. Raven was looking at Delsin with a smile. "Morning" Raven said. "Morning" Delsin said. "Delsin?" Raven called. "Yeah". "Do you reget anything from last night?" Raven asked. "I'd rather stay human and be with you than being a conduit and not dating you at all"

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