ya boi was tagged yet again!!!!!

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Heyo what's up guys sorlry for being gone for sooooo long so to those of you who thought I was dead welllll!!!!!!!! I'm back soooo... Yeah fortunately or unfortunately however you look at it I have been tagged by Pheonix_Inside,mastaplasta563
So let's do this!!!!!

1. Right now I really don't have a favorite song

2. Track and Field

3. Again don't have a favorite song so that goes to bands as well

4. Naruto, SAO (Sword Art Online), One punch or outside of anime Boy Meets World

5. Transformers: revenge of the fallen

6. Red, blue, green, black


8. Coke (no coke! Pepsi! Get it?)

9. Overwatch or Destiny


Now for more personal questions.

1. I really like to sleep. Sleep is life

2. I'm more of a keep to yourself kind of person.

3. I like to match when I'm choosing my clothes.

4. I have a overwatch addiction, it's all I play right now

5. I watch alot of YouTubers

6. I am a PlayStation person

7. My favorite character of all time is Itachi Uchiha (that guy is soooooooooooooo badass!!!)

8. I want the Rinnegan soon bad!!! (Or rinnesharingan whatever works)

9. I'm in high school

10. I also like Percy Jackson and Harry Potter (though I believe Percy Jackson is better)

Andddddddddddddddd done! Sweet ya!

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