Delsin's fifth victim: Diana

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Today was a..... Surprisingly chill day. Delsin didn't see any of his 'girlfriends' because he was on his way to a formal party Clark invited him to.

The real purpose of this invitation was because the Justice League were undercover at this party trying to gather info to find and take down one of Clark Kent's formidable enemies: Lex Luthor.

Delsin was called because Berry A.K.A The Flash, was busy and Kid Flash was currently on a mission with Teen Titans East so Delsin was the next best thing. So now we have a 18 year old conduit wearing a black tuxedo walking around a  LexCorp gallery, waiting for Intel from Bruce.

Diana was told that Delsin, Clark's apprentice was taking Berry's place on the mission. She always found him very odd. He dresses like a punk and he acts like a total kid. He is the total opposite of Clark.

'speaking of Clark...'.  Diana had many secrets that, one of them is that she had a thing for Clark Kent. He was just so handsome in her eyes. She must've asked him out a few times, but he always turned her down, saying he was dating the human.

But not today. She was going to ask him to dance with her and make him forget about that human. It may be a mission but for was a mission of love.

Time jump (3 hours)

After the whole speech from one of Lex's secretaries, the party was back to normal. Everyone was dancing and having a good time. Delsin. Well, Delsin was just in Lex's secret files, Searching for anything that might help them find out where Lex is and what he's up to.

Delsin had to do it because he was the only one who could bypass the security cameras due to his invisibility trick. "Well, what do you see?" Bruce said in the earpiece.

"All I see is this file that says 'project Krypton'. It says one Titanium suit with injections of liquid kryptonite from crushing up meteor rocks. I think Lex is building a weapon to kill Clark". "Just as I feared. Good work, bring the file on the roof of the building where the batwing will pick it up" Bruce said.

"Alright" Delsin said as he jumped out the nearest window, still invisible and neon sprinted on the outside of the building. He finally made it to the top of the building for what it seemed like he was running up forever. Delsin was waiting for ten minutes for the batwing to appear and Alfred to step out. "Here you go Alfred my good man" Delsin said as he handed him the file.

"Yes, Thank you master Rowe. It was a pleasure working with you" Alfred said as he walked back in the batwing and flew back to Wayne Manor. As Delsin was about to go back inside he heard shuffling and sniffling.

"Who's there! Show yourself!" Delsin called out. The figure walked out into the open. She had black hair and eyes. She was wearing a bright red dress that hugged her figure so well.

"Diana, what are you doing up here? I thought you were downstairs with Clark" Delsin said. "Please, Delsin. Leave me be" Diana said. "Wait Diana wait! Were you crying? Let me help...." Delsin didn't finish as he was slammed into a wall by Diana. "I said LEAVE ME BE!" Diana shouted. Delsin was knocked out cold by the power punch that Diana hit him with.

Diana immediately felt bad after what she did to Delsin. He was just trying to help and she swatted him away like mosquito. She ran to him. As she reached him, she picked​up his upper body and layed him on her lap. "Come on Delsin wake up. I'm sorry" Diana said slapping him slightly on the cheek. 'Did I kill him?' Diana thought. She put her head down on his chest to hear breathing. Luckily she did. "Oh thank Athena" Diana said.

She pulled her head back but she got a whiff of something.... something extraordinary. 'is that Delsin? He smells so good' she thought. Delsin started to wake up at the moment, bringing Diana from her thoughts. "Delsin! Thank Aphrodite you're alright!" Diana said relieved.

" kidding. You really pack a punch, you know that" Delsin chuckled as he winced in pain. "Delsin I'm so sorry for that. I didn't mean to....". " It's alright Diana, I'm okay, my body's healing as we speak" Delsin said. "Oh right..... Fast healing" Diana smiled slightly. "But Diana, why were you crying out here?" Delsin asked curiously. "Well. It started out when the Secretary finished giving his speech....."


Diana p.o.v.

I was walking into the gallery with Clark after the speech. The gallery was full of exquisite pieces of paintings from famous artists.

I know that because I was around in those times. "If I remember correctly, if Lex was anything, he was a bit of a
showoff" Clark said.

"Oh yeah......a bit" I said extending my arm to show the display of golden statue of Lex. "And...he was also full of himself. Honestly, I don't know what I saw in him" Clark shook his head in disappointment in his former friend.

"That reminds me, how did you two become friends anyway. You never really explained it to us" I asked curious about it. "Me and Lex were friends when I saved his life back in Smallville (if you seen the show Smallville then you'd realized what I'm talking about. If you haven't I'd advise you watch that show. It's goooooooooood!!!) That's all I really have to say in the matter" Clark said.

"Oh I see...." I said, not wanting to push him any further in the matter. A few moments later, Bruce told us that Delsin had gotten the file. "Well I'm gonna go" Clark said as he tried to leave. I grabbed his arm and pulled him back to me. "Come on, maybe we could dance for an hour" I said hoping he would stay.

"Sorry can't, promised Lois I'd be home tonight". "Come on Clark, what does that woman have that I don't" I said seriously. "My child" Clark replied.

"W-what?". "Lois is pregnant, we're going to have a baby. I'm sorry Diana but I don't love you" Clark said as he looked me in my eyes.

" it's okay I..I understand. I apologize for my rudeness. I gotta go" I said as I ran out with tears in my eyes.

Flashback ended

"....then I ran up here, cried for a little while then I met you know the rest" Diana said tears leaving her eyes. "Diana, I'm so sorry. You didn't deserve that. Clark doesn't know what he's missing" Delsin said.

"Really?" Diana asked. "Of course! I'm you're beautiful, Strong, funny. Besides, who wouldn't want to date an Amazonian warrior!" Delsin said smiling at her. "Do you... really think that?" Diana said tears coming out of her eyes, but this time it's tears of joy.

Joy that some admires her like the way Delsin does. It's a wonderful feeling. "Yes I do. Look, Clark maybe with Lois but you will find your special someone Diana. I know you will" Delsin said

Diana looked at him with a look of love in her eyes. "I think I already found him" she said. "What? What're you..." Delsin didn't finish because Diana put her finger on his lips, silencing him.

"Shhhhh! I know what you're going to say. Our age difference is enormous but that doesn't matter right now" Dian said. "Come here".

Diana leaned forward and captured Delsin's lips into hers. She jumped onto his lap and kissed him roughly. After what seemed like hours she pulled back and hugged Delsin.  "I think I'm starting to have feelings for you, Delsin" Diana confessed.

Delsin, still shocked at what happened, heard what she said and on the outside he was calm but on the inside he cursed 'FUCKKK!'.

I hope you guys liked this update of Delsin's victims and did you guys like the new of how I right. I just thought "hey why not you know" lol but if you wish for me to continue writing like this with the shorter paragraphs, comment your idea but please comment and vote. Haven't heard from anyone in a couple of months and I worry.......😀😀😀😐😐😯😯

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