Better hero

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(Part of the actual story)

"BB I am a better hero than you and you know this so stop arguing with me!" Cyborg said. "No you're not Cy. I'm the better hero" Beast boy said. "Heroes are strong. You're a wimp. Face it BB I am a better hero than you'll ever be" Cyborg said. "Okay so what are you two clowns up to today?" Delsin asked. "Beast boy thinks he's a better hero than me and I think otherwise, Delsin can you please reassure Beast boy?" Cyborg said. "Sorry Beast boy, you're not the better hero" Delsin said. "Thank you Delsin". "Hold on. Neither of you are the better hero. You both are too cocky, too obnoxious, too loud, and too braggy. Heroes aren't people who bragg and wine. Heroes are people who aren't afraid of risking his or her's life to save another" Delsin said. "So BB, bottom line is that Delsin thinks he's a better hero than both of us" Cyborg said into Beast boy's ear. "Oh Hell No! Delsin is not a better hero than me!" Beast boy said. "What? I never said that. You guys are whack!" Delsin said walking away from the two foolish Titans. "Titans! Meeting! Now!" Cyborg announced.

"Okay so we are deciding on who the better hero is and I think it's me" Cyborg said. Wouldn't you agree?". "You called us out here to waste our time with this nonsense! Wow! You guys must be serious or bored or both" Raven said. Delsin chuckled. "So who do you think is a better hero out of all of us?" Beast boy said. "I'd say Robin" Starfire said. "I don't know. Maybe. My vote goes to Delsin" Raven said. "This is stupid, no one is a better hero than anyone" Robin said. "I agree, even though I stronger than Robin, doesn't make me a better hero than him" Delsin said. Excuse me?" Robin asked. "I'm stronger than you Robin. It's pretty obvious" Delsin said. "So, let's settle it then. Delsin you want to battle this out!" Robin challenged Delsin. "Robin?! You can't be serious?! This is a jok..." Delsin was interrupted by a punch from Robin. "Dude what are you doi..." Delsin was interrupted by Robin's punch again. "Boyfriend Robin what are you doing?" Starfire asked "yeah Robin! Back off!" Raven said getting up about to attack. "FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!" The other two were saying in the back. Raven got closer to Robin and was about to pull him off of Delsin."No Raven! Leave him! You wanna fight Robin! Fine. Let's fight!" Delsin said as he body checked Robin on the dining table. Delsin punching Robin like a punching bag. Delsin eventually stopped so Robin could get up. Robin fly kicked him and hit Delsin's chest. Delsin hits the wall and tumbles to the floor. Robin used his batrang. Delsin dodge the attack and came at Robin with a concrete charge. Robin dodge it. Robin got his staff and faught Delsin. Delsin was no match for Robin's skill of martial arts and acrobatics so Delsin was getting hit alot by Robin's staff. But Delsin thought of something that could top Robin's acrobatics. Speed. Delsin used his neon ability to speed things up. Everything was slow when Delsin went fast. It was like everything went Frozen. Robin was frozen in to place when he was about to pounce on Delsin . Delsin took away his staff and kicked him to the wall. Delsin went back to regular speed and and everything went to normal. But Delsin immediately felt guilty when Robin went flying to the table and was stabbed by a piece of wood. "Ahhrgg!!" Robin cries of pain. "Robin!!" Starfire said running to him. I ran to him and crouched down to Robin's bloody body. "Robin! I'm so sorry. Let me heal you" Delsin said. "Robin this is going to hurt alot so bare with me" Delsin said wrapping is hands on the piece of wood that's sticking out of Robin's chest. Starfire grabbed Robin's hand for him to squeeze when he's in pain. "On 3. 1....2..." but Delsin didn't wait for 3 because he yanked it out on the count of 2. "AAHHHHHHH!!!" Robin screamed. Delsin then took his hand and healed Robin quickly. "There you go" Delsin said. "Thanks Delsin. I guess you're the better hero than I" Robin said. "No we all are heroes. But only together we make ourselves better heroes" Delsin said. "That very wise, dude" Beast boy said. "Very wise. Very wise indeed" Raven said kissing Delsin's cheek. Delsin blushed like crazy.

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