Delsin's forth victim: Bee

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Delsin had an..... Eventful couple of days with Raven. She was always talking about how she always wanted to get married and have kids of her own and stuff like that. She even had names for her inconceived children. She said 'if it was a boy she'll call him Zack and if it was a girl than she'll name it Sabrina' (just threw in some Book 2 stuff..... Don't worry I'll get some stuff done, I actually have a draft waiting to be published. book 2 isn't forgotten, it's just school sucks balls) Delsin, though the names were somewhat adorable, had no intention of kids, at least not now. He felt like it was gonna happen when he found the right girl. Even though there are three girls flinging themselves at him he just felt that he needs to relax and enjoy being single for now. And what a better way to have fun being single and relaxing than to patrol around the city. Robin gave him patrol duty since it was his turn. The Titans always have at least one member on the streets for safety reasons. On one hand he has to be on duty untill 11:00 at night and on the other hand he gets to do whatever he wants in the meantime so he usually goes to the coffee shop and flirt with any cute girl there but Delsin had his fill with girls lately so he just decided to go for a walk.

As Delsin walked around the park, he was watching children playing on the swing set and smiled. Delsin never really had a good childhood after his parents died. He still did things but it was the things he did with his parents and it kept him in a dark place for a while. Untill aunt Betty thought he needed a therapist. He became more energetic and happy after a couple of sessions or that's what it seems. He just pushed it to the back of his mind and put a smile on his face and seemed happy. But it totally three years for him to forget it but the memories came floating back into his mind. It had been a while for Delsin to do this but with all the memories flowing, it only seemed natural.....He cried. His tears were warm and wet like on his cheeks but no sound came out of his throat other than short and silent whines that he himself didn't even know he was making. Delsin wasn't a loud crier like most. But he still cried. He cried for his mother, He cried for his father, He cried for his brother and he cried for his forever aloneness. '......That will never change' he thought. "Delsin?" He heard a voice say. Delsin immediately shot his head up and looked to see Bumblebee, from Titans East and former girlfriend of Cyborg. Delsin wiped his tears away and shot a weak smile. "Hey Bee, what's up?". She smiled back at him and slightly frowning. "This is where I usually come to clear my mind when I'm in a bad mood, but my troubles can wait, why were you crying?" She asked with a worried voice. "Me? Cry? Never! I'm Delsin Rowe! I never Cr...."." Delsin, cut the crap and talk to me. I'm your friend and I wanna help you". Delsin dropped his stoic mask and dropped into a serious face. "Really?" He asked. She nodded with a half smile on her face. He too slightly smiled and looked at her and started his explanation. "I...Was crying about....My deceased family" Delsin said as a tear dropped down on his face. "Delsin... I'm so sorry for your loss" she said looking to be on the brink of tears herself. "It's okay, it's not your fault.... It's mine" Delsin said. "How?". He stared at her with a somber look. "My parents died in a car crash because they were on the way to pick me up from school when I was 10. At that time I new the town like the back of my hand. They gave me the option to take the bus home but I refused and said 'I'll get home faster if you pick me up and you better not be late'. They were rushing on the streets just to beat traffic just to get to their son in time, but that day it was slippery and when the car swerved, there was another car speeding in their direction" Delsin said his voice a little shaky. "Oh... Delsin" Bee said as tears developed in her eyes. "And as for Reggie..." Delsin paused for a moment and wept in silence. "You probably already heard the story while I was in debriefing but to sum things up, I trusted the wrong man and Reggie payed the price" Delsin said. Bee was in silence as she was now taking it all in as she heard his story. Delsin took the silence as if she thought that Delsin's aurora was dangerous and bad luck and probably wanted to get as far away from him as possible. "You see? I'm bad luck. My parents died because of me and Reggie died because of me! I'm bad luck!" Delsin cried. Bee looked down as tears fell from her eyes. "I killed my family because I was arrogant and stupid and those are the first signs of loneliness". Bee flinched at the word 'loneliness' and reacted in a way that surprised both her and Delsin. She lept up and smashed her lips onto his, kissing him with full force and passion. Delsin was shocked at first but with all the emotions and sadness, he was so confused and kissed back with force and passion Bee used but with a little bit more force. He picked ​her up and sat her on his lap groin while he undid her buns as nice black curly hair flew freely in the wind. She brushed her tongue on his bottom lip, asking for access. He accepted and they fought for dominance but Delsin quickly won that tongue war and Bee broke the kiss, staring at him with love in her eyes. "You are not alone Delsin. People are here for your. The Titans Tower is your home and the Titans is your new family. You even have Titans East on your side including me. Especially me" She said as she also pecked him on the lips and got up and fixed her hair. "Just know that you are never alone as I will never leave your side as well as the rest of the Titans" Bumblebee said her wings came out and started flapping really fast to the point where Delsin's laser focus couldn't keep up. "Well if you'll excuse me but, Titans East has a meeting in 30 minutes and I have so bye Delsin" she said as pecked him on last time before taking off. "Whoa...." Was all Delsin could say 'wait a minute? Did I just kissed Cyborg's​ ex girlfriend?!' he thought before slouching on the park bench and thought one word.....'Crap'

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