Who Do You Choose?

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As it was a peaceful day in Jump City, so it was in the Titans Tower. Delsin was on the roof watching the beautiful sunset and thought about his life so far. From being a lowyly smoke conduit to a regular basis hero. He liked the sound of that. "Hmmm? Delsin Rowe: a hero" He said to himself. Suddenly, a firery pink headed titan flies on the roof and spots the beanie headed titan. "Hello friend Delsin. May I sit with you?" Starfire asked politely. "Yeah sure star. No need to ask. We're friends. Best friends to be exact" Delsin stated as he patted his hand to the side of him gesturing Star to sit down. "Oh...right...best friends..yes correct" Star said as she sat beside him. "Isn't it nice Starfire. The view of the sunset. This Tower has the best view" Delsin claimed. "Yes it is quite beautiful friend....". Star was playing with her hair as she was quite nervous. It wasn't a coincidence that she found Delsin up here. She was actually looking for him. She wanted to tell him something. She wanted to tell him that she likes him and wants to go out some time. But she was to nervous. She didn't know what to say. Delsin noticed she was awfully quiet. He looked at her to see her hand shaking while twirling her hair. "Star is there something wrong?" Delsin asked half smiling. Star went into a state of shock cause she couldn't move. She couldn't talk. She couldn't do anything. Finally she sucked it up and said. "Friend Delsin, me and you have been through so much together. Battling the hive on our own, get stuck in the cave and that gang of robbers we had to take care of" Star stated. "Yeah those were some crazy times" Delsin said scratching the back of his head. "And the only way we got through those times was when we were together and all those times you've been there to save me, it showed me what a great guy you are and I'm here to confess to you that I...love you" Starfire said blushing. Delsin was dumbfounded. "Delsin, please say something. Don't stare at me like that". "Star I'm gonna need some time to process this. I'll see you later" Delsin said as he smoke dashed off the roof. Starfire looked at the spot were Delsin was and frowned at the empty spot.

3 days later

Delsin was locked in his room, thinking. He has been avoiding Starfire since the she confessed her love for him. He didn't know how to respond to her. He still doesn't but until then, he's solution was to just avoid her. Delsin got out of bed and walked outside the hallway to get to the kitchen. He hoped Starfire wasn't already there because he was kinda hungry and if she was there, he was gonna have to leave and wait till she leaves in order to enter. As he reached the kitchen, it was only Raven in there. "Hey Raven" Delsin said as he walked in. "Hi..." was all zhe said. "So got any plans for today". "No....just reading books and drinking tea" Raven said. "Jeez is that all you do?" Delsin asked. "Mostly" Raven said in a monotone. "Well you know what? Im gonna take you out for the day" Delsin said. "No" was what Raven said coldly. "Too bad, you don't have a choice" Delsin said. Raven used her magic to pin him on the wall. "Get this through your thick skull: I'M NOT INTERESTED!" Raven shouted letting him go. Delsin chuckled. "You think I'm like Beastboy, you think I cower easy. Well honey I like a challenge!" Delsin said. "You know what fine. If it'll get you to shut up fine!" Raven said as she left the kitchen. Delsin smiled then returned to making his lunch. "Ahh! A nice beautiful sandwich!" He said as he walked out. Just as he hit the corner, Delsin spotted Starfire walking towards the kitchen. Delsin kept his head down and continued walking. Starfire looked at him with confusion. 'why is Delsin avoiding me?' Star thought.

5 hours later

Raven and Delsin left the tower and went to Jump City. They were just walking along the sidewalk, quite as ever. Delsin glanced at Raven to notice her head was down and her hoodie was up. Delsin used his light speed ability to yank Raven's hoodie so that he could see her face so she wouldn't know it was him and not the wind. "What the....?" Raven said confused. She went to put it back up but Delsin stopped her. "Leave it down. I wanna see your face" he said smiling. Raven slightly blushed. "Shut up" Was all she said. "Why are you so defensive?" Delsin asked. "Because I want to be" Raven said in a monotone. "Well stop! It's pissing me off!". "I'm sorry?" Raven said confused. "You don't understand.....". "No you don't understand Raven! You have this life! Besides of how it started off, there are your  friends that are here for you and love you. You keep thinking that you're always gonna be alone but you're not! So stop being defensive and show some emotion! Laugh, cry, sing and dance. Anything to prove that you're different from your father" Delsin preached. Raven stood there dumbfounded. "You may not know it but I know you better than anyone! You act mean because you care but you don't wanna show that 'sensitive' side of you. You wear dark colours all the time because you think it matches your personality but you couldn't be more wrong!" Delsin said. "You wear a hoodie to hide your expressions whenever someone said something funny or sad so no one would see the real you. You read lots of books to imagine a better world for yourself. To escape reality....". "STOP!!!" Raven shouted. Delsin looked at her. He saw streams of tears running down her face. "I can't believe you...." Raven said balling up her hands to make fists. "Oh my god! Raven! I'm so sorry I didn't mean to make yo.....". Raven cut him off with a tight hug. Delsin was surprised. Before he could hug back, Raven flew away so fast Delsin mistaked her as the Flash. "Raven!...." he called but she didn't even look back. Delsin felt disappointed with himself for making Raven cry. Delsin slouched and walked to the arcade to cheer himself up.

1 day later

Delsin was just laying on his bed, reading a book. When all of a sudden, there's a knock on his room door. "Come in!" Delsin shouted, to lazy to open the door. As the automatic door slid open, he saw firery pink headed titan walk in. "Delsin? May I have the word with you?" Star asked. "Um...sure. Come sit" Delsin said gesturing for her to sit beside him on the bed. Star sat down and looked in his eyes. "So Delsin, I have waited for over the week. I need to know: Do you return my feelings?" Starfire asked. Delsin knew it would come to this. Sooner or later, it would happen. But out of no where, Raven shows up. "Wait! Delsin!" Raven said walking in. "You can't say yes to her!" Raven said. "Wait why not?" Delsin asked confused. "Yeah why not friend Raven?" Star asked as well. "Because.....I think....I might have feelings for you too" Raven said blushing. "What?..." Delsin said shocked. "I found out when we went out yesterday. You saw the real me! And I just fell for you! And I'm here now to ask you to be with me!" Raven said. "No Delsin Choose me! I can give you happiness. I love you! If you choose me! I promise, you'll never regret it! I'll allways make time for you. You'll be my everything!" Starfire said. "No Delsin, you showed me that you truly knew me! You understood me and how I felt. No one. Not even Beastboy knew what it was like for me, but you did. You took the time to really get to know me. You make me feel like....me! My mother allways used to say to me that ' if you ever find your one true love. Hold on to him and never let him go' and I think...no I know! That I found him and I don't intend to let him go" Raven said. Delsin was speechless. Two girls in his room, fighting about which one gets to be his girlfriend. But the decision was tough. He had always thought Starfire was beautiful and way out of his league but he also had feelings towards the mysterious girl behind the purple hood. She always intrigued him but Starfire was his first crush but he thought she liked Robin so he moved on. They did have some things in common but the girl he mostly related himself to was Raven because they are both dark and cold in some ways but they are mostly nice. But the decision was still too tough. "Delsin!" the girls snapped him bact to reality. "So you have to choose....."Raven said. "Me or Raven?... " Star said. Delsin was totally lost. 'so what's it gonna be Del? Raven or Starfire?' he thought. "Alright! I choose....."

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