Betrayal part 4

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As Delsin reached the Tower, Delsin walked around and looked around like he's never seen the place before. "Delsin, why don't you go rest up a bit. I'll debrief you in 4 hours" Robin said as he walked into the Commons. Delsin just walked in the hallway and into his room. Delsin closed the door, and looked on the his bed. He realized that there was his jean jacket vest. He also saw the letter he had wrote to Starfire the day he left. He sighed, 'Did I? Did I really understand?' Delsin thought. Delsin just crunched up the piece of paper and hung up his jean jacket vest and went to take a shower. He let the hot water hit his skin and it felt amazing. Delsin didn't linger in the shower though. He did what he needed to do and got out in 15 minutes. Delsin put on some boxers and some jeans but didn't get enough time to put on a shirt cause there was someone knocking on his door. Delsin opened the door, mistaking the person as Robin. "You said 4 hours no a half hour,dumbass!" Delsin said then realized that it wasn't Robin, it was Starfire. "Oh sorry Kori...I thought you were Robin" Delsin said. Starfire cringed at the sound of Delsin calling her by her Home planet name. But she made nothing of it. "May I come in?" She asked. Delsin shift to the side to let Star in. Starfire walked in and sat on his bed. Delsin just sat on his nightstand near his bed. Starfire tried her best not to notice that he wasn't wearing a shirt. He had perfect built body but was still skinny at the same time. She was slightly blushing but shook it off. "So how are you? You for the past 4 years" Delsin asked breaking the tention in the room. "Well, besides the fact that you were gone....." She paused. "It was hard....We have and the other enemies have adapted to your powers and to not have them in battle made the missions more difficult" Star said. "Mhmmmm" was all Delsin could conjure up. "Many things have changed since you were gone. As you know Beastboy and Raven are dating. Robin had been dating Batgirl from Gotham and had proposed to her". "That's wonderful. Congratulations to them both..." Delsin said with no hint of emotion. This did not go past Starfire. "Cyborg and Bee are married and have adopted a kid and planning to adopted another". Delsin just smiled at that. "That's great Kori" was all he said. Starfire looked at his abs and blushed once more. Then she remembered the reason why she came here. "Have you...Been...Seeing anybody?" Starfire asked. "Yeah I was but it didn't last long. We broke up in a month" Delsin said. Starfire felt slightly relieved but not fully untill she asked him. " you sleep with her?" Star asked. Delsin looked at her and then darted his eyes back to the wall. "No...she was a Virgin just like me and we wanted to make sure we were right for each other. But we figured out that we weren't" Delsin said as he walked to the bathroom to wash his face. Starfire felt relieved but also very sad. She knew that Delsin wanted to lose it with her but she gave hers to Robin. But now she wanted to take Delsin's. She wanted it. Badly! Starfire walked to the Delsin who was now drying his face. Delsin turned around to see Starfire. "Hey Kori, what's wrong?" Delsin said as he walked back to the bed. Starfire followed him. Starfire pounced on him. "No star. We can't" Delsin said as he knew immediately where she was going with this. "Why not? Come on! I know you want to" Starfire said kissing him. Delsin melted into it immediately but shot back into reality. "No! Get off me Kori!" Delsin shouted as he pushed her off him. Starfire floated in midpoint. "Delsin, please this is my apology to you. I want to take your virginity!" Starfire said. "No I can't" Delsin said. "Why not?". Starfire asked angrily "I can't tell you!" Delsin  yelled "Tell me!". "I CAN'T TRUST YOU!!" Delsin finally said. Starfire looked at him hurtfully. She couldn't believe what he said but deep down, she understood why he would think that. "Look... Delsin I want to be with you! I know that there is alot of water under the bridge between us but that doesn't mean that my feelings towards you have changed. And the way you were kissing back I know you still love me too" Starfire said trying to kiss him again but Delsin pushed back. "Kori, You have betrayed me in a way that is unforgivable! But you are right, I still care about you. My heart and my mind are fighting to see who is victorious. My heart is telling me that I should forgive and forget and give you my love but my mind saying that I should never forgive you and move on with my life and find some one else" Delsin explained. Starfire played out the last part of Delsin's words in her head. The thought of Delsin being with someone other than her would be her worst nightmare! She shivered at the thought and stared back at him. "Look Kori, if you say that you truly love me...." Delsin was saying before he was interrupted. "I do love you! With all my heart!" Starfire stated. "Then you'll have to show me! Show me that you love me and that I can trust you again" Delsin said. Starfire blinked, thinking of how to make it up to him. She had no idea what to do. She immediately walked for the door but before she opened it she turned around and said "You will be mine Delsin. I don't give up easily on the ones I love" Starfire said as she left.

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