All Alone

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It was Valentine's Day at the Tower. Everyone loved this holiday. It was the day you can tell you crush 'I llove you'. Raven was Beastboy's Valentine, Starfire was Robin's Valentine and Cyborg invited Bumblebee to the Valentine party to be his Valentine. Everyone was at the party except for one Titan. Delsin was in his room feeling depressed. He doesn't have a Valentine and everyone had one. Sometimes he feels like he'll always be alone. No one understands how he feels. Since of his hero duties, he's afraid he won't find the time to find someone special. Delsin decided to go to the bar. So he can drink his problems away. He can't get drunk so what's the harm? Delsin walked into the common room and tried to go to the elevator, hoping to avoid all the lovey dovey crap! but was stopped by Starfire. "Hello Friend Delsin, would you like to join us in the celebrating of the Valentine's Day? Oh please say you will" Starfire asked. "Yeah bro, just because you don't have a Valentine doesn't mean you can't join the party!" Beastboy said and Raven punched him in his arm. "Stop it! You're making him feel worse!" Raven said. "No guys, it's okay. It's no point to go to a Valentine party without a Valentine. I'm just gonna go out" Delsin said as he walkedin the elevator. "Gee, I actually feel bad for the guy. The most good looking guy in the Tower and he doesn't have a Valentine" Beastboy said. "I know. I never thought that this kinda stuff got to him. I thought Delsin didn't need anyone to have a good time" Cyborg said. "Where do think he's going?" Starfire asked. "I don't know Star. Let's just hope he doesn't get into any trouble when he's out on the streets of Jump City" Robin said.

As Delsin reached the bar he just grabbed a drink and just sat their watching a baseball game. He wasn't really a fan of baseball but it was something to watch. "Hey! you're that Delsin Rowe guy from the Teen Titans. My son absolutely loves you! Can I get an autograph for him?" The bar tender asked as he grabbed a hat and a marker. "Sure, why not? What's the kid's name?" Delsin asked. "Bryan" the bar tender said. As Delsin signed the hat, a stunning women just walked in the bar and sat beside Delsin. "Here you go, and I gave him my little symbol on the top" Delsin said pointing to his art on the top of the hat. "Thank you so much! A round, on the house" the bar tender said. "Thanks" I said as I drank it. "Hey, you're that Delsin Rowe guy from the Teen Titans and you were from Seattle, weren't you?" The women asked. "Yeah... yeah that's me" Delsin said. "Hey my name is Gwen, Gwen Sullivan. I'm a conduit as well" Gwen said. "Well, you wanna shake hands?" Delsin asked as he put his hand out for her to shake. "Thanks but no. I know how you get your powers" Gwen smirked. "Well what kind of powers do you have?" Delsin asked curiously. "The power of ice" Gwen said. Delsin had an eyebrow raised at her. "I know I know, lame power but I'm stuck with it so" Gwen smirked. "No no! It's not a lame power! Ice is cool! See what I did there?" Delsin said laughing at his own terrible puns. " haha! You got jokes!" Gwen said laughing. "Well what are you doing in Jump City when you could be..... anywhere else?" Delsin asked. "To find more opportunities. To also run from the D.U.P. those guys are so annoying!" Gwen said. Delsin laughed. "You know what's funny?" Gwen said. Delsin turned to her with a questionable loom on his face. "You're a smoke conduit and I'm a ice conduit. We're complete opposites!" Gwen said. "Well you know what they say. 'Opposites attract'" Delsin said chuckling. Gwen smirked at his response. "So do you want to....get out of here" Delsin said. "Okay let's go to your place" Gwen said. "Okay everyone should be asleep by now. I'll carry you" Delsin said as he picked up Gwen and then flew with the video wings.

The Titans woke up the next morning. Everyone was in the kitchen getting breakfast, except Delsin. "Hey guys maybe we should check up on Delsin. We didn't see him come in last night" Raven said. "You're right. I'll go see if he's okay. Poor guy, probably still devastated about not having a date" Robin said. "Yeah but Delsin's tough! He'll get over it in about a day" Cyborg said. "Maybe you are the right friend Cyborg, friend Delsin just needs some time" Starfire said.

Robin walked down the hallway and turned to be he front of Delsin's room door. "Delsin? Delsin are you okay? Look bro, don't be upset that you're not in a relationship right now. You just haven't found the right woman yet but I know you'll find her" Robin said. Robin didn't hear a reply from Delsin. "Delsin? Are you in there?" Robin asked as he opened the door to see a surprise he hadn't expected. "Wow! Delsin you work quick" Robin said. The rest of the Titans followed. As everyone saw what was happening right in front of their eyes their jaws dropped off their faces. In the room, there was Delsin and a women in bed with him, both naked and the bed and walls were covered in an icy with glaciers and burnt up wall with a heart design.

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