Victim Showdown Part 2

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Delsin was just on the top of the Titans Tower just thinking. He had just told the hottest girls in practically the whole universe to go on with their lives and forget about him

But he didn't know what else to do. He cared for all of them deeply. They all are special to him and he didn't want to break all their hearts by just taking one of them so he did the next best thing....he took none of them.

He felt like it was the best option at the moment because he knew he fell in love with all of them but the individually the love is equal so he couldn't just pick and choose. He'd rather live a lonely life than hurt any of those womem. Just then, Delsin chuckled.

'ha look at me. I remember at the start of all this I would give anything to be left alone by them now I'd do anything to protect and be held by them' Delsin thought.

With inward chuckle, Delsin went inside to take a quick nap because of the thinking he did, really did a number on him. Thinking for long periods of time isn't really Delsin's style.

(With the girls)

After a nice meal at a local pizza restaurant, the gals decided to get on with the battle. As all five reached in front of the tower, Terra spoke up. "Okay! There are no rules other than last one standing wins Delsin and no fatal injuries or death. Other than that, anything goes such as dirty tricks, brutality, and teaming up. Are there any questions?"

No response came from the four other girls. "Thought so, alright let the Delsin Lover Battle Royale begin!" Terra said as she summoned a large rock and aimed it directly at Starfire. Said girl just used her laser vision to burn the rock to ashes but that didn't stop her from getting kicked in the gut from Diana.

Diana went to grab Starfire's hair when Raven flew by and used her magic to throw her into the Titan Tower wall. At that time, Bee moved to Starfire and shrunk to insect size and blasted her with plasma beams. As Starfire was about to land a hit on her, Bee transformed back into her normal state and kicked the upcoming Terra in the face.

This gave Starfire enough time to grab Bee and fly up into the sky. As she reached to heights that rival the Titans Tower, Starfire slammed her down on the ground where it made a loud Boom! sound. Back to what Diana and Raven were up to, Diana had pushed Raven from offensive to defensive in matter of minutes.

'they don't call me Wonder Woman for nothing, you know?' Diana thought. She kept going into hand to hand combat which was always a weakness of Raven's. "How can you claim to love Delsin if you can't protect him. You can barely protect yourself from fighting me" Diana said.

"Delsin needs a strong woman to protect him from danger. You women nowadays only rely on man's power to keep you safe but I believe women can do the same, THAT'S what Delsin needs". "Though I do agree with you on protecting your man part. However, I don't agree with Delsin belonging to you. Delsin is mine! Besides, aren't you also a bit old for him. Shouldn't you be hung over maybe I don't know..... Superman!" Raven chided in.

That remark scratched Diana emotionally but Diana just shrugged. "Clark isn't the one I want. Delsin is the one I seek. He's so sweet, not quick to judge, strong, caring and brave. I'll never meet another like him so it's best to snag him right now, but first I have to take care of you all" Diana said as she grabbed her famous golden rope and wrapped it around Raven and swung her around and threw her into Bee and Terra.

Like a bowling ball hits the pins, Raven, Terra and Bee were knocked down for awhile. Now it was just Diana and Starfire. "I hate to do this Kori, but you know how badly I need Delsin, you have plenty of other suitors but Delsin's all I got please understand" Diana pleaded with tears.

Starfire looked at her mentor (yeah forgot to mention Diana is Starfire's mentor, just like Clark is Delsin's mentor) with pity but soon that was replaced with determination. "Diana, I feel the same way about Delsin. As for my suitors they all want me for my body not my personality. Delsin is the only one who was selfless that I came across and I'm not about to lose him" Starfire said as she got into her fighting stance.

Diana wiped her eyes and glared at Starfire. " be it" Diana said as she charged at Starfire with speed that rivaled The Flash. Starfire barely dodged the attack as she jumped out of the way with the inhuman punch just millimeters away from her face. Starfire had never seen Diana so fierce before. frightened her.

Diana was not gonna lose she had finally found someone and now these women were trying steal him. Well no more! Diana just pulled out her sword and shield. "I promised myself I wouldn't use this but promises are made to be broken" Diana said. Starfire glared. "Fine be that way" she said as she charged up her green electricity around her body

Back to the three girls, they were trying to get out of the magic rope as Diana and Starfire were having their 'student teacher' showdown. "No, I will not ​lose.....DELSIN!!!" Raven said as she just ripped out of the rope and charged at the two. Her body started changing into big black Bird with devil red eyes. It was a Raven.

"Damn it!" Terra and Bee as the also charged with rocks and plasma beams. They all charged at eachother with super powered finishers as they all intended to end this quick with one thing on there minds. 'Delsin is as good as mine!!' they all thought.

Back in Delsin's room, He was stirring awake after his 3 hour long nap. He got up and looked out at the window to see a perfect view of the sun but instead he got a view of all his former girlfriends about to clash each other, all with extremely powerful techniques that could not only destroy themselves but the tower as well.

That was enough for Delsin to neon sprinted outside and stop this before it was too late. As he reached the yard, the girls were already charging at each other. Delsin immediately jumped into action and stood in the middle of the attack's interception. 'yeah this wasn't a smart idea...' Delsin thought as he was impaled by many painful attacks.

As the big explosion was finished, Delsin fell lifeless on the ground. The smoke cleared up as the girls were curious about which one they had hit. But to their surprise, all of them were okay. Then finally Bee decided to look down to see their prize, on the ground with blood coming out of different parts of his body. As they all looked down they all came to the same reaction.....they screamed "DELSIN!!!!

Okay that is it for this update but I'll write up a conclusion to this short story but right now I'm actually pretty tired so please comment and vote please?!?!! 😀😀😀😀😀

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